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Orange Army On The March!


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It's starting to get nasty in Burma, but the huge Orange Army of Buddhist monks carry on with their peaceful protests against the much hated military government. Is it an internal matter or does the world need to get involved?



You can blow out a candle, but you can't blow out a fire.

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The world, via the UN, needs to get involved. The last mass protest saw 3000 people killed in the subsequemt military crack down. The response then was to lightly pressure corporations not ot invest in the country. We can all see the effect that has had on the junta.

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United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is to send a special envoy to Myanmar amid reports of several deaths in clashes between security forces and thousands of protesters led by Buddhist monks


Wow! That'll really sort them, won't it? You can't say the UN's indecisive at all, can you? Can you?

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We should lend our assistance to the majority of the population of Burma who've evidently had enough of the 'government' they've got and dump them out of power and onto their arses. Shouldn't be too complicated - bomb the government buildings and the compounds of their armed forces into the stone age in coordinated attacks to even things up a bit and then let the locals do the rest.


... or we could impose some trade embargoes and economic sanctions - that would definitely scare them into relinquishing power :rolleyes:

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If you want to see what is really going on in Burma watch the news at 7.30pm on theFrench channel TV5 on Sky 799, if you have it. You will soon notice that the news on the BBC/ITV/Sky is well censored. The UK media still has blinkers on.

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I find the Newspapers far more informative than the TV, The Independent has had very consise reports on Burma for the last week or so.


The killing and brutalisation of buddist monks has to be one of the worst things I have seen/heard of in my life - I cannot remember a time when I have felt this angry about injustices.

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United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is to send a special envoy to Myanmar amid reports of several deaths in clashes between security forces and thousands of protesters led by Buddhist monks


Wow! That'll really sort them, won't it? You can't say the UN's indecisive at all, can you? Can you?

You can't really blame the UN when its masters - especially China and Russia - veto any active measures.

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True. Maybe Gordon should take the inititive although what good that would do is debatable, on its own, the UK is not going to be taken much notice of. Pity Dubya won't take the lead this time..........

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There was a letter in my paper the other day which mentioned Total Oils support of the Junta. I cant buy Esso because of the pipe lines through villages and now it seems Total are a bunch of corporate whores too, yippity doo, now where am I supposed to get fuel for my car from?

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"Thousands dead in massacre, body of monks dumped in the jungle"


Horrible news. Hopefully it will turn out to be not so bad. Must say I was a bit annoyed when I went onto sky news and couldn't find any updates on the headlines bit. Just irrelevant news. Talking about elections and all.


What a horrid situation though, military patrolling streets so people don't even have the chance to get together to protest. Bodies of monks dumped in the jungle.


"There were reports that many were savagely beaten at a sports ground on the outskirts of Rangoon, where they were heard crying for help."


Take it nothing is going to be done though...

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