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A Doctor Speaks On Manx Radio About Our Health


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There was an Interview on Manx Radio Mandate this morning. Recording here: 20070928_Dr_Cottier.mp3


Doctor Cottier is a member of the Health Services Consultative Committee and there were a few things that worried me.


For example, I wasn't aware that pandemic flu had been such a concern, although er, like the millennium bug, it didn't actually happen.


The arrival of the No Smoking policy was going to "arrive and be implemented" and although we are trailing England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales and all that, the Government got a jolly old slap on the back for taking a more Traa dy Liooar approach "holding back and implementing that policy has been good". Apparently.


We were told that the HSCC are unanimously behind legislation for the legalisation of flouridation of our water supply. Well I have had dealings with the Water Authority and put simply I would not trust them to mass medicate my family. Besides, I didn't think anyone drank the water on the Isle of man anymore, not judging by the mass market of bottled water these days. (Although, I realise we imbibe through other indirect means).


Well, I suppose it is nice to know that we have true professionals looking after our health. What does anyone else think?



edited to upload smaller mp3 file

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My experience of these Health Services Committees is that any dissent with an alternative point of view is trampled on. I guess little has changed over the years. Weak politicians, powerful doctors and lay people unable to hold their own when the "experts" club up on them.

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From the speak, the interview sounded more like one with a Yorkshire Miners Union rep.


Apparently this doctor is not a doctior of medicine. She is no more qualified in medicine than me or the chap who delivers my post. I do not trust people like that to have any sort of decision into matters such as mass-medication of my family, or any other health matters for that matter.


We have been bullshit too long by inadequately qualified, inadequately experienced, and over ego-inflated people on this Island for far too long.


Our Health is worth far more than anything to allow a platform to such people.

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Don't knock the humble postie. As with shopkeepers, farmers and chimney sweeps they are well represented in our parliament and are even used in high profile Court cases to provide character references. ;)

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