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Stu Peters Gets Put In His Place Over Airport Runaway


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What planet is this guy on? The island's air services have been a blood bath over the past 7 years or so largely due to the town coucil's 'open skies' policy. The nature of the ailine business means services are never 'strong'. If he fails to understgand that he should stand down - along with the Directress.

I agree - flying to/from the Island is an unpleasant experience.

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What we have is minimum services at a maximum cost in terms of infrastructure, those in charge have lost sight of the fact we are trying to provide a service for a small audience of 80000 people in a geographical position that is impossible to alter. All this waste of money should have been invested in making sure service providers are of good quality and serving the islands current needs not some fantastical vision of a future that was never going to happen. The downturn has come some way to their rescue as blame and justification can be heaped on that, but all were warned beforehand that the business case was pure fantasy and that what we had was sufficient for our needs.


The god knows how many millions could have been far better spent or better still be available to the island now.

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I agree - flying to/from the Island is an unpleasant experience.

Me too - gave up flying to/from here a few years ago. OTT security, silly stupid rules about what you can carry, excessive random prices...not a pleasant experience at all. Everyone is treated like a terrorist - do we look like fookin ragheads? We never had all this crap in 25 years of the IRA.


The last few years (spending/self-importance) have seen empire building on a par with Napoleon - all at the expense of the customer - you know, the poor sod that pays for it all - him and the taxpayer that is.


Airport - you can keep it.

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I agree - flying to/from the Island is an unpleasant experience.

Me too - gave up flying to/from here a few years ago. OTT security, silly stupid rules about what you can carry, excessive random prices...not a pleasant experience at all. Everyone is treated like a terrorist - do we look like fookin ragheads? We never had all this crap in 25 years of the IRA.


I'm utterly baffled by air travel. Why can you get in your car, drive on a ferry, drive off the ferry and go about your way without making you strip, scanning you, carrying your toiletries around in a clear placcy bag, sniffing you, making you wait hours, trying to flog you all kinds of stuff you don't want, and shuffling you from holding pen to holding pen. And while this crap increases, so do the taxes we pay.


It's stupid that this has become the norm, stupid and wasteful. It's a flying bus, that's all.

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....."A sharp drop in passenger numbers at the Isle of Man's airport last month is put down to snowy weather conditions and the deepening recession."....


Yeah!... and don't forget that February had only 28 days this year!!!

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I'm utterly baffled by air travel. Why can you get in your car, drive on a ferry, drive off the ferry and go about your way without making you strip, scanning you, carrying your toiletries around in a clear placcy bag, sniffing you, making you wait hours, trying to flog you all kinds of stuff you don't want, and shuffling you from holding pen to holding pen. And while this crap increases, so do the taxes we pay.


It's stupid that this has become the norm, stupid and wasteful. It's a flying bus, that's all.


Right. Well the reason is obvious = it's almost impossible to crash a ferry into a nuclear power station or a city.

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Right. Well the reason is obvious = it's almost impossible to crash a ferry into a nuclear power station or a city.

You have obviously forgotten the name of the operation responsible for the 'sailings' between Douglas and random ports on the NW coats of Engalnd.

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I'm utterly baffled by air travel. Why can you get in your car, drive on a ferry, drive off the ferry and go about your way without making you strip, scanning you, carrying your toiletries around in a clear placcy bag, sniffing you, making you wait hours, trying to flog you all kinds of stuff you don't want, and shuffling you from holding pen to holding pen. And while this crap increases, so do the taxes we pay.


It's stupid that this has become the norm, stupid and wasteful. It's a flying bus, that's all.


Right. Well the reason is obvious = it's almost impossible to crash a ferry into a nuclear power station or a city.

Yeh - a granny carrying a pair of tweezers or nail trimmers, and forced to take her shoes off for inspection is really going to make that happen.


Fact is human beings remember improbable and spectacular events and overreact wrt to their probability i.e. people don't understand risk probability. That's what much of the legislation of the last 10 years have been about.


Fact is, there's sensible security precautions, and there are bloody stupid ones - and more and more of the bloody stupid ones are appearing because security, and catering for countering the highly improbable, has become an industry in itself.


We know what 99.999% of these potential terrorists look like, and so I am in favour of profiling - and sod racial equality. I don't see why my white middle class granny should have to make up the search numbers and take her shoes off, for the billion to one shot she has gone over to allah and intends to snatch the pilot, hold him against her knitting needle and crash Flybe flight 5050 into Sellafield.


Pongo, you should know, if you behaved like that on a battlefield, and treated everyone as the enemy instead of observing who is, you wouldn't last 5 mins.

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Right. Well the reason is obvious = it's almost impossible to crash a ferry into a nuclear power station or a city.

We know what 99.999% of these potential terrorists look like, and so I am in favour of profiling - and sod racial equality ....


Pongo, you should know, if you behaved like that on a battlefield, and treated everyone as the enemy instead of observing who is, you wouldn't last 5 mins.


Well I've never been in a battle. But the boy in Germany who shot up the school would not have been identified by racial stereotyping. And there is no reason to assume that the next 'terrorist' attack will be political or religious. It might just be a nihilistic social outcast looking to go out in a blaze of publicity and international headlines. Ultimately, from now on, what can be done, will be done.

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A sharp drop in passenger numbers at the Isle of Man's airport last month is put down to snowy weather conditions and the deepening recession.


Source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/...man/7940333.stm


"The fact that 2008 was a leap year also meant last year's figures were significantly higher than this year's.

Just over 50,000 passengers passed through Ronaldsway last month compared with 59,000 in February 2008.

Airport bosses said one less weekday - in this case a Friday - reduces monthly traffic by about 11%. "


OK I'm not a mathmatician, but doesn't 59,000 - 11% = 52,510? Where did the extra people go? And if Friday traffic = 11%, one has to assume Monday is also 11% leaving 78% for the other 5 days = 15.6% per day so we should be grateful that the lost day was a Friday and not any of the other days. Or should I just swallow the PR bollocks that gets published every month?

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Right. Well the reason is obvious = it's almost impossible to crash a ferry into a nuclear power station or a city.

We know what 99.999% of these potential terrorists look like, and so I am in favour of profiling - and sod racial equality ....


Pongo, you should know, if you behaved like that on a battlefield, and treated everyone as the enemy instead of observing who is, you wouldn't last 5 mins.


Well I've never been in a battle. But the boy in Germany who shot up the school would not have been identified by racial stereotyping. And there is no reason to assume that the next 'terrorist' attack will be political or religious. It might just be a nihilistic social outcast looking to go out in a blaze of publicity and international headlines. Ultimately, from now on, what can be done, will be done.

The boy in Germany was a sociopath, routine protection, like we had for years before all this hype, would have stopped him getting a gun on board.


What kind of answer is effectively 'anything could happen'? and 'Ultimately, from now on, what can be done, will be done.'?


Will you have us all out of our cars, all out of the kitchen, all have our fridges regularly checked at home, give the police ultimate power - so ultimately everything could be done to protect us ultimately from ourselves? Will you have armed guards in the M&S foodhall just in case?


Did you know 1 in 3 adult men by the age of 40 have a criminal record? Would you stop all of them flying - or going to M&S - just in case?


Get real and learn to put risk in perspective. If that's the country you want - head of to North Korea or the former East Germany.

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Right. Well the reason is obvious = it's almost impossible to crash a ferry into a nuclear power station or a city.

We know what 99.999% of these potential terrorists look like, and so I am in favour of profiling - and sod racial equality ....


Pongo, you should know, if you behaved like that on a battlefield, and treated everyone as the enemy instead of observing who is, you wouldn't last 5 mins.


Well I've never been in a battle. But the boy in Germany who shot up the school would not have been identified by racial stereotyping. And there is no reason to assume that the next 'terrorist' attack will be political or religious. It might just be a nihilistic social outcast looking to go out in a blaze of publicity and international headlines. Ultimately, from now on, what can be done, will be done.

The boy in Germany was a sociopath, routine protection, like we had for years before all this hype, would have stopped him getting a gun on board.


What kind of answer is effectively 'anything could happen'? and 'Ultimately, from now on, what can be done, will be done.'?


Will you have us all out of our cars, all out of the kitchen, all have our fridges regularly checked at home, give the police ultimate power - so ultimately everything could be done to protect us ultimately from ourselves? Will you have armed guards in the M&S foodhall just in case?


Did you know 1 in 3 adult men by the age of 40 have a criminal record? Would you stop all of them flying - or going to M&S - just in case?


Get real and learn to put risk in perspective. If that's the country you want - head of to North Korea or the former East Germany.


I think you are arguing as if I agreed with it all. I'm much more neutral than that.


When the systems fail people shout at the governments and say that something should have been done.


If you were in charge of developing these methods and systems then you would probably try to cover every possibility. Better than living with a mistake.

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Better than living with a mistake.

The spectrum looks like this in my mind...


Doing nothing--------------------Realistic Risk assessments----------------X------Paranoia


The system is currently geared up where 'X' marks the spot to my mind, has become an industry, and under the guise of 'equality' treats all people the same - when they are clearly not. We need to get back to reality methinks, at least to 'Realistic Risk assessments' anyway.


Anyhoo I don't know what you mean about living with a mistake - Keyboarder lives miles away from me.

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Our Stu interviewd Ronaldsway's new Airport Director Ann Reynolds. Full recorded interview here: 20070928_Airport_Director.mp3

(Manx Radio news item Click here)


Stu was put down when he suggested that the new runway was going to cost £40million.


"Ahh, you're such a baddie!" 20070928_Airport_Director_clip_1.mp3


"Don't let me hear you say £40million again!" 20070928_Airport_Director_clip2.mp3


I wonder if Ann knows that the Project Managaement are no less than the same firm who gave - or rather are still giving us - the IRIS project? I wonder was she here when the New Hospital was built (exactly how many £multi-millions did that go over budget).


As to the final cost of the project, between the figures offered by the interviewer and the interviewee, my money would be on the *jaded hack.


Ann, welcome to New Isle of Man!



hmmmmmmmmm i likes ya lmao...

so more about the Hospital ! how much did that bad boy cost??? & if your are not blind . why not try looking down them lovey Long Corridor's . & be sure to be looking at the light reflection that bounce's back of the Corridor floor. Beautiful Patten it make the reflection.. lol lmao...

i think Power float's are crap for neat work. you cant beat doing it by hand.. why thats what i do for a living.. i know good work and know bad good work cost'S & bad work is cheap. you cant lay a foor like that on crap conk.. lol bring out the carpet & hide it plz ..






* Mr Peters is a reputable and much revered Radio Broadcast Presenter. The phrase used above is for poetic comparison purposes only.

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