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Stu Peters Gets Put In His Place Over Airport Runaway


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An independent in depth study has been done which shows it to be a total waste of tax payers money and nothing more than an ego trip for its proponents.

Can you elaborate on this study - who did it, who commissioned it, summary and main findings, is it publicly available, any links if published online etc.


i think that atleast one person in authority has the details, but if they are ever allowed into the public domain would be another matter. a bit like the rumoured one done on manx radio years ago that recommended getting rid of a few staff and downsizing.

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An independent in depth study has been done which shows it to be a total waste of tax payers money and nothing more than an ego trip for its proponents.

Can you elaborate on this study - who did it, who commissioned it, summary and main findings, is it publicly available, any links if published online etc.


i think that atleast one person in authority has the details, but if they are ever allowed into the public domain would be another matter. a bit like the rumoured one done on manx radio years ago that recommended getting rid of a few staff and downsizing.


If someone did have such a study, it would be nice if it was released - even if onWikileaks


I guess without a Freedom of Information Act negative reports etc. can be brushed under very large carpets. The whole thing could probably be designated as a security matter anyway - i.e. the lack of requirement and economic justification for civilian purposes would highlight some 'secret' military purpose - e.g. use for NATO - probably with some vital part to play in the war against terror. ;)

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Capital projects, least those I have had the mis-fortune of working on, are shambolic in there set up, which would, no doubt, indicate that they would be shambolic in their execution. Hospital - Staged Tender : different consultants/designers/architects/whatever for each stage, each trying to pass the buck (cock-up) to the next on the list. The IRIS scheme - Staged Tender : different consultants/contractors etc etc.

Solution, in my opinion? Tendered project management team in charge of the whole operation and responsible for all losses. Fixed price contractors and sub contractors (this'll get the fuckers to pull their fingers out when the find that they are nowhere near the deadline).


Just a thought there, but the gov. could get my mate Dave from across the pond to manage it. He may be wasting away from the rigours of too many E's at too many nightclubs but he'd make a damn sight better job that the muppets that'r gonna end up doing it! And he wouldn't charge half as much!

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I heard the extra car park at the airport is to cost another million or so too.


How the feck does enough tarmac to park 250 cars or so cost a million bloody quid?!!!!

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alph3 - there's other approaches to ensure delivery on time on budget - e.g. special purpose vehicle company (with all contractor in joint venture with single point accountability).


What you say though seems to raise an issue that from the track record there isn't much confidence in the competence of managing projects like this. If not doing anything different, this time round is likely to be more of the same.


Yes there should be top grade project management for such a project - and should be involved from the initial phase rather than brought in after contracts awarded etc. There aren't that many really good PM outfits, but having a firm like PA Consulting would make a great deal of sense. Staged tender as you describe is of course a recipe for woe.

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I heard the extra car park at the airport is to cost another million or so too.


How the feck does enough tarmac to park 250 cars or so cost a million bloody quid?!!!!

I think it's only 200 spaces. that equals £5000 per space, how much is a years parking costing these days in Douglas?

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I heard the extra car park at the airport is to cost another million or so too.


How the feck does enough tarmac to park 250 cars or so cost a million bloody quid?!!!!

I think it's only 200 spaces. that equals £5000 per space, how much is a years parking costing these days in Douglas?


I think it's around a fiver a day to park at the airport - so it will take around 3 years to pay for itself and start turning a profit. Not a bad business plan.

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i think that atleast one person in authority has the details, but if they are ever allowed into the public domain would be another matter. a bit like the rumoured one done on manx radio years ago that recommended getting rid of a few staff and downsizing.


Sorry, 'cos I love a conspiracy theory more than the next man - but I think you're talking about the Darwin Report which actually created the blueprint for the station into the new millenium, and made a whole raft of recommendations (including ceding the youth market to Energy FM, more public service broadcasting, more news and speech programming, increased subvention etc).


I don't have a link, but it WAS available online and in the public domain (IIRC that's where I first read it).

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I think you're talking about the Darwin Report which actually created the blueprint for the station into the new millenium, and made a whole raft of recommendations (including ceding the youth market to Energy FM, more public service broadcasting, more news and speech programming, increased subvention etc).


Was the Darwin Report followed through by any Darwin Award for management?

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I heard the extra car park at the airport is to cost another million or so too.


How the feck does enough tarmac to park 250 cars or so cost a million bloody quid?!!!!

I think it's only 200 spaces. that equals £5000 per space, how much is a years parking costing these days in Douglas?


I think it's around a fiver a day to park at the airport - so it will take around 3 years to pay for itself and start turning a profit. Not a bad business plan.

better than the MEA, that will just turn smaller losses.

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"How the feck does enough tarmac to park 250 cars or so cost a million bloody quid?!!!!"


Given the length of time it has taken the part timers from the DoT to resurface 200m of road just south of The Hope, £1M sounds eminently possible. Anyone else but our stalwart inhabitants of the yellow sleeper vans could have built a motorway the length of the Island in the same time.


To return to the topic, I'll support and agree in toto (yet again) with asitis - the runway extension is a massive and unecessary waste of OUR money and our gutless politicians (and I include 'the Directress' amongst them) lack the spine to admit to the fact.

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"How the feck does enough tarmac to park 250 cars or so cost a million bloody quid?!!!!"


Given the length of time it has taken the part timers from the DoT to resurface 200m of road just south of The Hope, £1M sounds eminently possible. Anyone else but our stalwart inhabitants of the yellow sleeper vans could have built a motorway the length of the Island in the same time.


To return to the topic, I'll support and agree in toto (yet again) with asitis - the runway extension is a massive and unecessary waste of OUR money and our gutless politicians (and I include 'the Directress' amongst them) lack the spine to admit to the fact.

it's the brown envelopes and the contents that cost so much...

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i think that atleast one person in authority has the details, but if they are ever allowed into the public domain would be another matter. a bit like the rumoured one done on manx radio years ago that recommended getting rid of a few staff and downsizing.


Sorry, 'cos I love a conspiracy theory more than the next man - but I think you're talking about the Darwin Report which actually created the blueprint for the station into the new millenium, and made a whole raft of recommendations (including ceding the youth market to Energy FM, more public service broadcasting, more news and speech programming, increased subvention etc).


I don't have a link, but it WAS available online and in the public domain (IIRC that's where I first read it).


perhaps an edited version was put into the public domain if indeed it was the darwin report i'd heard talk of and not a previous one? i do like 'ceding the youth market to Energy FM ' bit. is that the same as 'conceding' once MR's arguments against allowing another local radio station were not enough to stop it happening. advertising on MR was the cheapest it had been for years in the denied price war with energy.. and energy is still going against all MR's predictions. the down side is that it is the public that bail out MR cos the govenment won't let it fold, so in a way energy is costing the taxpayer and MR still can't price energy out of existance with its blank cheque backup...

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