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Stu Peters Gets Put In His Place Over Airport Runaway


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Whats the betting at £60m before its finished?

A nice big bet on this could be a good way for the Government to hedge its position!

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Yes I know this brings me out of the woodwork, I would love to know if anyone has actually contacted the CAA and asked the question about a timescale for the RESA recommendations to become mandatory, as this became the raison d'etre, or does the directress already have the promised letter on her desk. Would be interesting to put someone from the CAA on the spot.


Got fed up talking about money, we all know this is another waste of massive public resources getting ever larger to feed the ego of the idiots in charge. Btw the figures on growth are a whole lot worse than those predicted in the 'alternative' document presented to Tynwald but luckily we can hide behind the downturn.


2.2million extra, drop in the ocean LOL

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Yes I know this brings me out of the woodwork, I would love to know if anyone has actually contacted the CAA and asked the question about a timescale for the RESA recommendations to become mandatory, as this became the raison d'etre, or does the directress already have the promised letter on her desk. Would be interesting to put someone from the CAA on the spot

Would it be available in the UK under Freedom of Information? Would be good to see a local newspaper or radio station asking for this information.

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Anderson - “It has taken a number of years to build up a strong air service network for the Island, and we are determined to try to ensure that this remains intact for the future."


What planet is this guy on? The island's air services have been a blood bath over the past 7 years or so largely due to the town coucil's 'open skies' policy. The nature of the ailine business means services are never 'strong'. If he fails to understgand that he should stand down - along with the Directress.

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