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New Radiohead


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That's just be a penny for me then. Liked The Bends but think they went downhill after that, and are really really over-rated.


Opinions are like bumholes, I guess, but Radiohead rule, and you're wrong :)


Even a bad Radiohead album *cough*Hail*cough* is gold compared to most releases.


Can't wait for the new one.

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I really like hail to the thief, you just have to listen carefully to it, it is quite awe inspiring technically.


Ignore all these has been bands and move onto some hip tunage with the lovely Simian Mobile Disco, Roisin Murphy & Dubpistols. Not really the same kind of music I'll agree but, Radiohead are fantastic, pay 1p for their album and spend the money you saved on SMD or Roisin (used to be Moloko - current love of my musical life). Regarding SMD, I think the exact phrase I used was "F*** ME THESE GUYS P*** ALL OVER THE CHEMS LIVE!" and I quite like the Chems..

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That's just be a penny for me then. Liked The Bends but think they went downhill after that, and are really really over-rated.


If you think "OK Computer" represents going downhill, then you're a certifiable lunatic.


Kid-A I didn't have much time for though, I'll grant you that much. (It's like, Aphex Twin, except not as good and with too much of Thom sounding all miserable as usual.)


I really, really hope that Radiohead make wedges of cash out of their new album, bearing in mind that artists usually only get 50p from each retail sale of an album, (yep, pay £16 at HMV, the artist gets 50p, if they're lucky), even if most folks only donate a quid, they'll be well in pocket, and hopefully this will become a viable distribution method for other artists, and the greedy coke-snorting pig-fucking capitalist cunts who have monopolised the music industry will all go bankrupt and commit suicide with a rusty bread knife.

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If you think "OK Computer" represents going downhill, then you're a certifiable lunatic.


I think ok computer does represent downhill from the Bends, The Bends is a better album. Downhill from the Bends is basically starting from the top of everest like :)


Kid-A I didn't have much time for though, I'll grant you that much. (It's like, Aphex Twin, except not as good and with too much of Thom sounding all miserable as usual.)


Certainly not their best but there's some great stuff on there.


I really, really hope that Radiohead make wedges of cash out of their new album, bearing in mind that artists usually only get 50p from each retail sale of an album, (yep, pay £16 at HMV, the artist gets 50p, if they're lucky), even if most folks only donate a quid, they'll be well in pocket, and hopefully this will become a viable distribution method for other artists, and the greedy coke-snorting pig-fucking capitalist cunts who have monopolised the music industry will all go bankrupt and commit suicide with a rusty bread knife.



Agreed, although it's a little unfair in radioheads case, they've already made it big. New bands would really struggle to break out in this way and make any real cash.


It's also a shame they've released it in 160 cbr with a studio setup that sounds like it was done with 2 c90 cassets...

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Regarding SMD, I think the exact phrase I used was "F*** ME THESE GUYS P*** ALL OVER THE CHEMS LIVE!" and I quite like the Chems..




i've ordered the box-set but received an email yesterday saying i'm not getting it till December 2nd! Oh well, it looks like being a very tasty package!

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That's just be a penny for me then. Liked The Bends but think they went downhill after that, and are really really over-rated.


If you think "OK Computer" represents going downhill, then you're a certifiable lunatic.


Kid-A I didn't have much time for though, I'll grant you that much. (It's like, Aphex Twin, except not as good and with too much of Thom sounding all miserable as usual.)


I really, really hope that Radiohead make wedges of cash out of their new album, bearing in mind that artists usually only get 50p from each retail sale of an album, (yep, pay £16 at HMV, the artist gets 50p, if they're lucky), even if most folks only donate a quid, they'll be well in pocket, and hopefully this will become a viable distribution method for other artists, and the greedy coke-snorting pig-fucking capitalist cunts who have monopolised the music industry will all go bankrupt and commit suicide with a rusty bread knife.


I'm almost tempted to download this to encourage more artists to follow this business model. But, I'm worried it might also encourage Radiohead to make more music.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Me finally got this today. Me like.


Like when they were still good before they got a bit crappy, but having learnt some new stuff along the way as well.


I have to confess I pinched it off usenet though, I tried to buy it through the proper site and was presented with numerous stupid registraton and payment screens, which annoyed me, so I gave up.


Since it is actually good I'll have to go back and buy it properly.


Wouldn't it be easier to just be able to pick an amount and Paypal it over to radiohead@radiohead.com or something?

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