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[BBC News] Anti-social Manx drivers stopped


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finally, there is a three sided approach to road safety, Education, Engineering and Enforcement. Get the first two right, and the third should just be a wash-up. Considering the general image of traffic cops as petrol-wasting right-wingers, I would have though that people would have been generally happy that we were trying to be a bit more creative and up front in our approach.


Could you please also educate drivers that if their mobile rings it is not a license to slam on the anchors and take the call in a stopped vehicle - usually round a blind bend or over the brow of a hill. The law should be 'mobile used in car = fine' unless using a handsfree device, which are pretty cheap nowadays.


I came up behind a woman the other day who had just stopped to have a chat. Hadn't even pulled over and wasn't using any indicators. I just sat behind her and continued to press my horn until she got the message - heck I was probably breaking the law for making too much noise, but it was worth it.


I'd like to see a few £1,000 fines dished out to.

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finally, there is a three sided approach to road safety, Education, Engineering and Enforcement. Get the first two right, and the third should just be a wash-up.


The first and the third make sense, but what is the relevance of engineering, other than just happening to start with the letter e. All sounds a bit Manx to the Max to me.

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I would like to wish a slow lingering death on the anti social driver who killed our family pet tonight


The driver was going like the clappers down Hillside Avenue and hit the animal so hard my ex heard the bang inside the house.


The driver did not even slow down and could be heard screeching off the halt sign onto Circular Road


My ex and two daughters are heartbroken


The frightening thing is that small children play in this street all the time but this does not stop or slow down the pricks who use this street as a short cut


The sooner petrol hits 20 quid a gallon the better

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finally, there is a three sided approach to road safety, Education, Engineering and Enforcement. Get the first two right, and the third should just be a wash-up.


The first and the third make sense, but what is the relevance of engineering, other than just happening to start with the letter e. All sounds a bit Manx to the Max to me.

Road engineering - grippy surface, clearly marked, corners turned into curves for people who shouldn't be driving any more, etc.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again.


Clamp down on minor driving issues such as loud pipes, seatbelts, mobile phones etc and you indicate to people that a certain standard of driving is required - fall outside those limits and you will be caught & fined .


Indicate to people that a certain standard of driving is required and you will find the accident rate falling. You can teach just about anything with negative re-enforcement. Perhaps you can't make people value their own lives but you can make them value the pound in their pocket.


Target the small problems and the larger ones should take care of themselves - if you can't get away with an 'faulty' (in other words too loud) exhaust , no seatbelt, talking on the phone, speeding around town etc etc then is it likely that the police are going to tolerate you driving like a cock outside the towns?


The current police thinking is IMHO a good idea.


One thing I would like to see is more enforcement of homezone speed limits. Whats the point in having them in they are not policed ? Wybourne drive is a classic example - a residential area where few drivers travel at less than 30 mph let alone the posted 20 mph.

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Exactly my thoughts. Hence my continual rants about roundabouts, parking on zig zags, etc. Drivers need to be educated that the existing regulations are going to be enforced, and until they are there is no point in introducing any more.

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No - the sooner you learn to keep your animals and children off the ROADS, the better.


Its not a road you fucking prick its a residential street


If you cant tell the difference then you should take the fucking bus you cunt

You may well have a point and I'm sure you and the family are upset. It is obvious that Grumble was attempting a piss poor wind up.


But all people will see is the vulgarity in your post and lose sympathy.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again.


Clamp down on minor driving issues such as loud pipes, seatbelts, mobile phones etc and you indicate to people that a certain standard of driving is required - fall outside those limits and you will be caught & fined .


Indicate to people that a certain standard of driving is required and you will find the accident rate falling. You can teach just about anything with negative re-enforcement. Perhaps you can't make people value their own lives but you can make them value the pound in their pocket.


Target the small problems and the larger ones should take care of themselves - if you can't get away with an 'faulty' (in other words too loud) exhaust , no seatbelt, talking on the phone, speeding around town etc etc then is it likely that the police are going to tolerate you driving like a cock outside the towns?


The current police thinking is IMHO a good idea.


One thing I would like to see is more enforcement of homezone speed limits. Whats the point in having them in they are not policed ? Wybourne drive is a classic example - a residential area where few drivers travel at less than 30 mph let alone the posted 20 mph.


This is such a sensible post it needs highlighting. If the Police placed adverts in the press and used local radio to inform all of us good citizens that they are going to clamp down on all aspects of anti-social behaviour, with no warnings or cautions then only anti-social people could complain.

So, with a zero tolerance attitude, along with fines flying everywhere, it wouldn't take very long before the message gets through, to the benefit of most residents.

Why stop at driving, vandalism, abuse, assault, drunkeness, etc. No cautions or warnings, fines followed by custodial sentences. It may involve a bit of overtime for the Police, but after a while, people would get the message.

Whilst it won't cure a 100% of anti-social behaviour, it'll stop most. It's worked elsewhere, can't see why it wouldn't here.

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I did a horrible fart in my car earlier this evening, which is quite anti-social, but there was only me in the car. Does that count? Do I stand to be arrested?


In mitigation, I did open the window pretty sharpish.

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