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[BBC News] Anti-social Manx drivers stopped


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If it is the car I am thinking about, then,


Yes, there is an issue


Yes, it is a disaster waiting to happen



And finally, if you witnessed something reckless, then contact me, I will task an officer to get a statement from you, we will go to court and prosecute. Dead simple.


the number is 631212 - ask for Roads Policing. If there is nobody in, then leave a message at the switchboard and someone will contact you on our return.

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If it is the car I am thinking about, then,


Yes, there is an issue


Yes, it is a disaster waiting to happen


So is it not time/possible to do something before there's another inquest? And some innocent bystander/other vehicle driver gets killed by no brains the racing twat?

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If it is the car I am thinking about, then,


Yes, there is an issue


Yes, it is a disaster waiting to happen


So is it not time/possible to do something before there's another inquest? And some innocent bystander/other vehicle driver gets killed by no brains the racing twat?


I think thats where the :


then contact me, I will task an officer to get a statement from you, we will go to court and prosecute. Dead simple


bit comes in, clearly there isn't enough evidence to prosecute at the moment, 2 statements will make all the difference.........

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Can I report bad parking in my street on here and get Mr Flint to do something about it.


Not suggesting it gets the same priority as some of the driving reported here, but it is certainly anti-social.


Why visitors to my neighbours houses see fit to park over my drive continually is beyond me, especially as their drive is often empty. Cars parked on pavements, cars parked on the wrong side of the road at night, cars parked opposite each other (both on pavements) just to make it even harder to get your own car through.


Actually, after saying it's not a priority, what about kids being forced to use the road 'cos of the twots parked on the pavements? Road Kill me thinks.

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If it is the car I am thinking about, then,


Yes, there is an issue


Yes, it is a disaster waiting to happen


I'm guessing one maybe two cars of that make and colour are registered on the Island as they're rare even in the UK. It would seem quite easy to avert this particular disaster by using some sort of computer to find out who owns it and then looking out for it doing stupid stuff again.

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In defence of the police, some time ago I was using the pedestrian crossing from Regent Street across the prom. The lights changed and beeped and I started to cross, then noticed a car that was obviously not going to stop so I stayed put only to witness it not only go through the pedestrian crossing on red but then proceed to do a U-turn and go back towards the Sea Terminal, again through red lights. I got the registration and 'phoned the police. They reported back that they had interviewed the driver (who was German, I think they said, although what bearing that had, I don't know) and did I want to push the matter any further, I said no thinking that a visit from the cops would be enough to make the culprit a little more thoughtful about his manouvres.


So yes, report instances of reckless driving to the police, they do follow up and you may just help in educating a lunatic and avert a possible accident at their hands in the future.

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They reported back that they had interviewed the driver (who was German, I think they said, although what bearing that had, I don't know)


He wasn't a member of this forum was he? ;)

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