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He is over the last

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Dear All


Dandara /Heritage get an awful lot of stick for their work.


Does anyone know of a Manx person that has worked for them and made a decent living with them over the last 17 odd years?


I know of plenty.


Is it the jealousy that someone from outside these shores had the vision to go forth that hurts the local, why did I not think of that? But hey that could just be a common trait in the human being.


He is over the last

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Is it the jealousy that someone from outside these shores had the vision to go forth that hurts the local, why did I not think of that? But hey that could just be a common trait in the human being.


He is over the last


Personally, it has nothing to do with who they are, where they're from, or who they employ, but simply the quality and appearance of the work. The densly packed magnolia infection in the outskirts of most of our towns simply looks bad, even worse now estates like goveners hill are a few years old, the buildings look run down already and are cracked to fuck (all in the same places I notice, hmmm?).


Having said that, Empress Terrace I think it's called, the new one on the prom, looks a lot better than previous developments. It actually looks permenant. The crescent development looks good too.


I think the real problem is what the planners have allowed the higher density developers to do, not just one of em. Regulations shouldn't have allowed for the cardboard box villages, and I suppose you can't blame a savvy commercial outfit for exploiting the biggest profits.

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If I recall correctly?(although I could be wrong on this one) the two Dandara Boys ,originally came to the Island to work for a company called

Norwest Holst,as subbys?

However, once here they soon realised the two very important facts, that were to change the face of Manx History as we know it!.

Firstly . That the standard of work they were undertaking was shit (but getting passed ),and that they could set up their own company to do the same type of work even cheaper, by importing labour from "back home" that would work for less than the local subbys.!

This caused a lot of friction with the local workers at the time, and no doubt sowed the seeds for Dandaras continued unpopularity within the native workforce!.

My favorite story of the Eighties(concerning Dandara) was . A local lad approached one of the foremen for Dandara asking for a job !

In conversation with the foreman, the local lad informed him that his grandmother was Irish! Oh is that right,said the foreman? well I.m sorry that we have no vacancies for you at the moment! but if you send your grandmother down we'll see what we can do for her!




Secondly. ( And more importantly) ,they very quickly realised they were dealing with a Govmt orginisation made up of Chimney sweeps ,farmers and career civil servants! . A group of people who'se stupidity and naivety, was only surpassed by their arrogance?.


And the rest "as they say my friends", is History !


From a personal point of view, and seeing what these greedy b*****ds, have done to the landscape of our beautiful Island in the last twenty odd years

(especially around the west coast of late )makes me want to cry ,and I would rather cut off my right arm than work for them!

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If Dandara hadnt come to the Isle of Man, where would the hundreds (thousands?) of people live?


Is it the style / quality of Dandara housing that some people object to, or the simple fact that housing has been built on greenfield sites?


Would you have preferred low density housing with greater land use than the high density housing approved by planners?

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If Dandara hadnt come to the Isle of Man, where would the hundreds (thousands?) of people live?


Is it the style / quality of Dandara housing that some people object to, or the simple fact that housing has been built on greenfield sites?


Would you have preferred low density housing with greater land use than the high density housing approved by planners?


If they hadn't have done it, someone else would. Dandara had the ambition to do what any one of the local builders could've done but didn't.


As for quality, all of the houses pass building regs and they are all NHBC certified. Personally, I wouldn't choose to buy one because the minimum standard isn't high enough for what I'd want for £230k but that's down to the regulators, not the developers. Anyone wanting to make money would do the same.

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Secondly. ( And more importantly) ,they very quickly realised they were dealing with a Govmt orginisation made up of Chimney sweeps ,farmers and career civil servants! . A group of people who'se stupidity and naivety, was only surpassed by their arrogance?.


Nail hit on head! Clearly none of the local builders wanted to put their names to the 'just in' regulations disposable homes. Dandara are not alone in throwing up crappy houses, they just set the president.

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If Dandara hadnt come to the Isle of Man, where would the hundreds (thousands?) of people live?


Is it the style / quality of Dandara housing that some people object to, or the simple fact that housing has been built on greenfield sites?


Would you have preferred low density housing with greater land use than the high density housing approved by planners?


Thats a hard one !, where would all the people live?

Probably in holes in the ground (same place they did before Dandara arrived)!

What do I object to?

people paying over the odds for poorly built accomodation,(vastly overpriced kit houses)destruction of greenfield sites,


What would I have preferred?

Less people, the government seems to have decided, that the only way to go is to flood the Isle of Man with immigrants(meaning more housing) in order to keep Tax Revenue flowing, due to the decrease in income from the finance sector , thank god for D/D eh? what would we do without them!

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As someone who deals in the odd property I would rather invest in a Dandara newish build or similar than one of the Victorian dumps that constitute the largest proportion of the island's housing stock. (even if some of the workmanship is shoddy, lol...)


Can't argue with that keyboarder!

You obviously know your buildings?











The main difference between a Dandara building and a Victorian building is this!




One was built to Last!

One is built too fast!

I'll let you make our own mind up which is which !

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Nothing wrong with the houses - if there was, they wouldn't sell. Building homes to stand for 200+ years is a nonsense anyway, and the greenies should be pointing out that modern houses are more energy efficient and are more eco-friendly in every way.


Makes me laugh when people complain about 'comeovers' raping the Isle of Man. Who sold them the land and granted them the planning consents to do exactly what they've done?? Their job is to make money - and they do it very well...and I guess (I'm no expert) that their work is simply representative of most new builds across the world these days.

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The densly packed magnolia infection in the outskirts of most of our towns simply looks bad, even worse now estates like goveners hill are a few years old, the buildings look run down already and are cracked to fuck (all in the same places I notice, hmmm?).


Isn't most of that due to lack of maintenance? I used to live in Governors Hill and still drive or walk through there every now and again and I think some of the houses there haven't been painted since they were built.


In the five years I lived in my house on Governors Hill, I had no problems with it at all, no cracking as related elsewhere.

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