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[BBC News] Smoking ban advice for businesses


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Ooohhhh I can't wait, was over in the UK recently and going out for a few drinks round the local pubs was a revelation. Everyone seems to just accept the rules and most pubs had a few smokers stood outside, didn't see anyone smoking inside, even in the relatively rough pubs.


Was ever so nice to get back home and not feel like I had to immediately strip naked (contain your excitement!), burn my clothes, and jump under the shower.


Also, a lot of pubs seem to have used the smoking ban as an opportunity to redecorate, recarpet, get some new furniture in, and generally spruce themselves up a bit, so it's not just a lack of smoking that's improved things, the pubs themselves are nicer too.


Roll on next April!

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Was ever so nice to get back home and not feel like I had to immediately strip naked (contain your excitement!), burn my clothes, and jump under the shower.



I bet you could use a drop of RetardEx when you get home though?



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Just been talking to some tourists from the UK, they were moaning that when its a nice day, they can't sit outside a pub and have a drink, cos all the smokers are outside! You can please some of the people, some of the time, but...............

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Was ever so nice to get back home and not feel like I had to immediately strip naked (contain your excitement!), - excitement duly contained.

burn my clothes, - You just don't care about your carbon footprint, do you?

and jump under the shower. - If the smell of cigarette smoke got you high enough to manage that, I suspect that Mrs Chopsticks may soon be campaigning to rescind the ban

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