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Remember Remember The 5th Of October


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I sent mine in in June, stil no cheqski

Ditto - in fact I think I may have delivered it in May.

Can I fine them £50 for not paying me back my own money?

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I sent mine in in June, stil no cheqski

Ditto - in fact I think I may have delivered it in May.

Can I fine them £50 for not paying me back my own money?


Call them. My refund 'slipped through the net' (their words) once. I asked what would happen if I didn't return my next one in time and claimed that excuse. Didn't go down too well.

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  • 11 months later...

What I don't understand is every year the lickspittle waistrals in the Treasury with their truffles, monkey slaves and robotic sex toys, make me fill in this blooming unnecessary form so I can tell them what they already know. Meanwhile the Government, of whom the income tax department is a nominal part spend most of the year consulting with the public on every last minute detail of everything - whether to put stuff in the water, whether to take stuff out of the water, whether to have more taxi drivers or less taxi drivers, whether taxi drivers should be added to the water, my thoughts on retailing, broadcasting and whether some dog should die are sought.


But at no time have I been asked if I want to fill out a pointless form on pain of a fine. Yet every year I am required to complete this stupid bureaucratic absurdity and every year it pisses me off more than almost anything they do even more than Tony Brown's tone of voice (you know how he always manages to sound like he's lying even when you know he is telling the truth); even more than Earnshaw!


How hard can it be for them to consult with us on this issue anyway? They are sending us a form to complete, that we have to fill in or they'll fine us! All the bleeders need to do is add an extra question. I suggest "On a Scale of 1 to 10 how futile was the completion of this form, with one being very futile and ten being the Department of Tourism and Leisure."

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What I can earn money by getting people on the internet to write poems about me? Link Please!


Have they scraped this disgrace this year? Or are we still force to endure this farce again?


Love your style! (Sounds like the Asian lady I spoke to on the Barclaycard Helpline today. I failed to understand much of what she said so had to suss out the answer to my little problem by other means).

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Remember! It's not too late to foil the perfidious ne'er-do-wells in the Tax Department despicable scheme to fund their Christmas Party. In case you haven't heard of their plot, it involves charging you £50 if you fail to complete a form that tells them information they already know. Tomorrow is the last day to get your form in.


Being an organized chap, who doesn't like to leave everything to the last minute, I took my form in today. Whilst there I was staggered by the great lengths the Treasury boys and girls go to in their quest to inconvenience the public. Most organisations who were expecting large numbers of people to visit their offices to drop off a form (especially if it is a totally unnecessary form and you are planning to fine them if they don't hand it in) would make it as easy as possible for them. But no, that would mean one of the lazy malingering gits would have to set aside the caviar, cocaine and rent boys and collect the forms, so you are forced to take the form to the second floor.



Why not just post it in? It's dead easy and so far as I'm aware, you get no more bother.

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Love your style! (Sounds like the Asian lady I spoke to on the Barclaycard Helpline today. I failed to understand much of what she said so had to suss out the answer to my little problem by other means).


If that's meant to be a Haiku, you owe me money.

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