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Wahey! Another Roundabout!


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A tale of two schemes.


One to do away with an accident blackspot, a ridiculously outdated stretch of road and a dangerous roundabout approach, the other a pie in the sky superhighway connected to... Victoria Road.


Sadly the two schemes got lumped together so the Nook lives on to lure in more victims. Ok, mostly drunk drivers and people going too fast, but hey nice one Tynwald. Approve more bollards on North Quay but not "phase 1". Muppets.


Yes, I am glad to see Hannay & co with egg on their ill-advised faces, it's just a pity that this was one of the few projects I agreed with!


Memo to all those reactionary forces on Bucks Road: Stop getting misty eyed about the sacred cow that is the TT course. It has to change - us islanders have to use it for the other 48 weeks of the year (and during the events obviously) so remember the folk who could be arsed voting for you and who pay your wages and get Governors bridge - Pt1 - and Quarterbridge sorted NOW!!


But yes, can you envisage the size of structure necessary to cross Summerhill Glen, just to feed Viccy Road? And all for 4 weeks of the year? Insane! :huh:

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Still don't understand why they can't just build new road to merge with Blackberry lane on a traffic light system and feed the cars to a park and ride scheme on the Summerland site. Just widening the road and leading onto a mini roundabout won't solve the traffic congestion problems.

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