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Xbox Live & Modchip Warning


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There might be a fix to this later on, it depends how they have got there detection sorted, they might have found a way to send a signal of some sort to find out if the xbox has a chip.


Or if they have found a way to check if the hdd is diffrent from the standard one.


I will look into this and report back.

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hey guys, well i have had a quick looksey.


And it looks like MicroSoft are banning people with a larger hard drive size. If you know howto look into the default.xbe in H2 then u will see this:


0x0041158C, "XboxHardwareInfo"

0x00411594, "XboxKrnlVersion"

0x00411770, "HalDiskSerialNumber"

0x00411774, "HalDiskModelNumber"



If u see the bottom 2 you can see they are checking hard drives.


But isntead of using Xbox Live, maybe consider using Xlink "witch is a program for the xbox" or maybe a pc program called "XBox Connect"


There are a few programs out there for the xbox to use with the chip enabled. And by the looks of it, i think MicroSoft have made a bad decision as a hell of alot of people have a chipped xbox so if they are banning everyone with a upgraded hdd they might live to regret it.


I wouyld persoanly suggest Xlink. If anyone needs this then i can tell you howto get hold of it.


Xlink might just be the way forward.


From xbox-scene:


XboxMediaCenter(info) - xboxmediacenter.com - has just updated its SourceForge CVS - and support for XLink Kai(info) has been massively improved. Amongst other features, we have got voice working (using the excellent Avalaunch(info) -  teamavalaunch.com - port of SPEEX for the XBox). XBox <--> XBox and XBox <--> PC chatting works really nicely, and you can chat in "groups".


XBMC now supports private arenas, creating arenas, avatars, invites and lots of other KaiUI features. XBMC is also your friend if you intend to use a Linux-router like the WRT54G to run your Kai Engine - you could get a really nice setup, with XBMC and kaid - so no computer would be needed :) Look at these nice pictures, then read on:



I'd like to take a second to thank runtime from XBMC for his time over the last few days - this new XBMC *really* rocks when using Kai - but incase you didn't know, it's not bad at media either - :P - supporting just about every format of audio / video available! If you have a modified XBox, you *need* this application. Go to the usual places, and download it. It's rumoured that Bill himself uses XBMC ... fancy a bit of Team-Slayer, Bill?

Lastly, I'd like a round of applause for ChokeManiac - critikill.net - for his awesome Project Mayhem II skin for XBMC - I think you'll all agree that it looks damn sweet.

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So Xlink is the same as Live but a non MS version which won't get you banned, or is it completely different? I.e. in order to use online gaming with Xlink (if that's what it is) do I still need an Xbox live login or just an Xbox and a broadband connection?

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xlinks basically a tunnel for the network play. It's the same as if you plugged two xboxes in with a network cable, but instead of the cable it's done over the net.


Not really a good sub for live at all, all the nifty live stuff you don't get, scoreboards/ghosts in proj gotham, headset with voice support etc.


Really, if you want live now, you have to have an unchipped xbox.

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