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[BBC News] Survey issued over pier's future


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It could end up like this ..clicky


Full of fisherman, its got a cafe, and sailing/diving clubs used the 'wet' end every weekend.


The last 'reurb' cost 1.7 million - which would be about the cost to take it down. With the unknow effects on Ramsey Harbour with tidal flows, and Ramsey in need of something other than the park .. it must be worth a punt at those sorts of prices.



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I would like to see it done up to a modern standard and used for all the people of the island.


There was always someone on it when it was open, a small shop out the end would be good for a cuppa and a cake.


You go anywhere in the UK nowadays and most coastal places have been redeveloped and made into tourist attractions.


The problem with some locals is they have not been off the rock for years, and not seen what these places do for the local towns and villages.


It would be a attraction to get people into the town.

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I'm all for saving it, but I also wonder how much has been spent on the many consultation fees up to now. More than enough to do it up I reckon.

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Check this out for a use of the ex cafe on the pier around 1995. Its the white room with the windows




This bizzare piece was made by Matthew Barney, boyfriend of Bjork and artist of international repute


He obviously had a fondness for the pier, perhaps he could be roped in to the campaign to save it

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There must be more effective investments into the development of Ramsey's economy than conserving the pier...


The most effective projects stimulate further enterprising investments to regenerate a town in a 'success breeds success' process. So investing, for instance, in a carefully designed marina in Ramsey could help persuade local businesses to take advantage of the opportunities opening up from the infrastructure. Plenty of other investments could help do this as well.


The problem with piers is that they don't have this impact. They simply demand more money in ongoing costs and maintenance. There is no novelty impact from 'conserving' a pier. There are no spill over effects. So don't do it.

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What's wrong with letting volunteers supply the labour to repair it, and the government to cover material costs say. That way, people willing to put some effort into it would have a result they can be proud of achieving, and the goverment wouldn't have to foot anywhere near as much of a cost.

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Better to demolish it - the global warming fanatics reckon it will be submerged in a few years so we won't be able to see it anyway.


Better still, build an F1 circuit in the north of the island, restore the pier, put a link span in Ramsey harbour - and turn the north of the island into a place where people want to go and businesses want to locate.

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..descirbed ..

..an eye saw..


..vialbe. .


I can accept that we make the occasional typographical error but Pp is a B.Sc(Hons):-






I hope the chap takes more care when typing chemical formulae

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