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Ipcc Proved Wrong On Ice Melt


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Turns out the IPCC got it drastically wrong on Artic ice melt. The melt this year was significantly worse than even they projected:




Revisions of predictions going by the current rate of melt would result in sea rises of 5 meters this century. That puts Strand Street under water in the next 90 years.


If the IPCC's alarming warnings were all underated, things could be a lot more serious than were previously thought.

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Surely the portion above the waterline would?

Get yourself a glass of water - add ice - and measure the water level. Check the level after the ice melts and - voila! ...the same level. Physics 101.


I have posted about this before...


Water expands when it freezes - making it less dense than the water from which it freezes - the volume of ice is 9% greater (and its density 9% lower) than in the liquid water state.


Therefore as icebergs (and ice shelves) float on the sea surface, they displace the same volume of water that they contain.


So if any ice that already floats was to to melt, the sea level would stay exactly the same.


You only get a sea level rise if ice that is not floating (i.e. lying on land) melts and runs off from the land it is sat on into the sea.

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What a relief !


So thats only Antarctica we have to worry about


Apparently the Polar Bears are going to be saved by a crack squad from Foxes Glacier Mints


But what about the Penguins ?


McVitie's are gonna p-p-p-pick up them.


Therefore as icebergs (and ice shelves) float on the sea surface, they displace the same volume of water that they contain.


Of course, silly me.

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