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Ok we all know the GAME over here is pants, but today was just a kick in the nut sack!


I when down to get a certain Xbox360 game, which was release today, but of course they didn't have it in (Why even bother calling themselves GAME at all!? more like GAME, if you lucky!)


I said ok can I just trade these games and put the value on a gift so I don't have to bring them back down again,but of course the reply was "sorry no can do the machine is down"


how come GAME are taking money off trade scratch discs (not me but other dirty buggers) when GAME have been selling preowned scratch-to-fuck-discs for years at high prices?


Cheers GAME.


Rant over.

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It might just be the individual who served you.


I was in GAME with a mate earlier this week asking for the NWN2 Expansion as it wasn't on the shelf.

The woman checked the release date papers and it wasn't listed. (Supposed to be released on the 28th Sept)

So at that point she could have sent me on my merry way, but instead she insisted she would check upstairs.

Down she came with the game I wanted (for my mate).

I asked for another copy, she went back upstairs and brought and armful :)


I presented my GAME cards (I had 3) and she checked each one and used the one with the most points on it.

Then I queried my address on the system, she updated this too after a little quiz on my gypsy-like movements.


Then I got demo discs thrust into my arms.


And all this was done with a smile and a bit of banter.

You know what, I might just go back there again!

Excellent Service!

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