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Please note that this site will shut down on 1st November 2007.


The reason for this is that very few folk contribute on the board save for a handful, so it is only logical to close it down.


On behalf of the Admin and mod team I would like to thank all those who have contributed to this message board this past year and trust those that just looked in found items of interest.


There is a big Manx message board which I recommend everyone to keep in touch with the "skeet" and I am sure those in here who are not in there will receive a warm welcome. Please click below..




Thank you all,



On behalf of the World Manx Team

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possibly the fact that the ownership of the hosting server had changed might also have something to do with it - at one time is was very spam ridden as no-one seemed to moderate it (and the few messages were generally family history which should have been posted on another board)

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When I did post on there, there was very little moderating done, pretty much anything said goes, it was also hosted on a free site, not sure why the other free one closed down, but the proper website/forum isn't that old I don't think.

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Most of it seemed to be Vader posting to himself under various pseudonyms. I did register over there, but my accounts got removed without any explanation. No point in continuing if nobody's interested, I suppose.


Aye, I was banned too. So much for it being a haven of free speech. The charade of Vader pretending to be different people was weird too.

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Well yes it may of been vader posting stuff 2 himself LOL :) but there were some other really good members on there also!

Im not quite sure if i was banned on that forum or not, i kept on tryna log on + enter me password but it kept on saying it was incorrect when it wasnt !!!

I think manx friends.com is a good site but i really liked it better the way it was before it was messed around with! whats happend 2 the forum they had were we could debate stuff? How are we suposed 2 post posts anymore?


But anyways i think vaders caring atitude towards animal rights + welfare ect should be comened - so i will - well done!!!!! :)


But I note that kate middleton (price williams girlfriend) has recently just been initiated into the royal familys vile blood sport pleasures + has recently just shot dead her first Deer! :( Its just unessacery + midless cruelty, it really is! :(




But It would be nice 2 see vader come back! ;)

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They were going delete users that had not posted for a while. I think it was something like 3 months and you're out. I complained that whilst I and presumably others didn't post very often, I didn't think it was fair to just delete members because they hadn't posted anything recently.


It kinda went along the lines of most of my complaints really like the hypocrisy of discussing someone that was banned on this forum and that the banned person was being discussed without having the opportunity to respond. They started a thread on WMF having a go at Manxforums whilst equally not providing the person concerned the opportunity to respond.


Anyway, they eventually decided:


Further to previos correspondence and views submitted by a member we will not delete unused usernames.


However, any user names considered spammers will be deleted.






So if you were deleted, you were obviously considered to be a spammer.






Edited because I've moved my keyboard to the left slightly and now I keep typing "y" when it should be a "t"

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