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[BBC News] Manx minister enters money talks


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Rather a non-story. Tips to make it more relevant:


- include details of what was discussed or (perish the thought) actions that were agreed


- explain why we sent someone there in concrete terms rather than the usual vague nonsense and I'd prefer if the specific reason wasn't "Treasury Minister Allan Bell used the opportunity to scoff some of the finest cakes that Liechtenstein had to offer. 'Delicious!' he exclaimed, spraying crumbs over anyone within a 3 metre radius."


Yes, we probably do need to be represented at these things, but lets try and get some value from them through the dissemination of information gleaned from speakers and other delegates.

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all i meant was i am sure he sampled the local fare.


Everyone i know who has been to germany has said the german sausage is a real mouthful :lol:

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I am sure he sampled a lot of what that place had to offer Plenty of german sausage also :o




All been said before, not funny then not funny now


Oh yes it is.


I respectfully agree... perhaps not the most searingly clever form of joke, but innuendo is still funny.


My housemate and I both enjoyed generous portions of Bavarian sausage on our recent trip to the Rosenheim beer festival.

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I don't get it. Is the minister in question gay or what?




No, Keyboarder, that's too specific. Reword your question using innuendo and childish giggles.


Ok. Are Roger Smelly, Pragmatopian and Snaipyr a trio of repressed Bavarian Meat Product lovers, snigger, (that's homosexuals to the rest of us, lol) who probably tend each others unlevel gardens whilst watching videos of copulating basking sharks? lol,lol......

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