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Bionic Commando...

K.os Theory

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There is already a kind of elite mmorpg called Eve Online. Granted it's full of Germans but from what I gather it has quite a fan base.


Proper Elite on 360 arcade would be the dogs bollocks though.

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God, you really don't want to get involved in Eve. Think of how involved and life draining WoW was... and then multiply it by 10. They did a lot right with the game, but they really did turn it into something for the hardcore only.

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I tried the 10day free trial of EVE, jesus christ there's an awful lot to take in, looks lovely though...


I'd like to see a good remake of cannon fodder ( or just the original game on xboxlive )!


ha thinkin of kickstart, i can't get the feckin theme tune from the BBC programme out of my head now! :huh:

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If the can bring Mario 64 out then I don't see why they can't bring out Goldeneye on the DS.


That would be a quality title and to take the action Wifi would be alot better than Metroid on the DS.


Because Rare own the rights and guess who owns Rare...


Metroid is fantastic on the DS.


But yes GoldenEye would be really good but much better on the Wii VC. Which has constantly been rumoured but I think that's all it will ever be.


I think it would be a bit dated now to be honest but in it's day it was most definately the best fps, and multiplayer fps by far.

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