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[BBC News] Night shelter set up for homeless


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How chavtastic....


Not really. If I was in their position I would be less than happy about the housing allocations & the time it takes to get a council house. I hope they got approval from the Town Hall before staging this protest.....




shame really, fancy getting yourself knocked up and no free house at our expense!!

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unless the arguement is that there is something specifically wrong with how housing is allocated, which thebees seems to be subtly hinting at.... What is wrong with the way housing is allocated? If they were protesting because they want a house and they think protesting will get them one, helped by parading a pregnant girlfriend, then I'm not sympathetic. Housing has been allocated in the same for what, 5 years? If they thought getting pregnant meant they would get a house when there aren't enough houses, then they were sadly mistaken and really quite foolish. If their issue is that they feel the current system dicriminates against them due to the fact they have fallen on hard times that couldn't be avoided, then their protest may well change the way housing is allocated in the future and that, in a democratic society, can't be a bad thing.


I have kicked myself everyday since i turned down a house due to the fact i has spilt from my then present Ho,the bit that really suprised me was when i went in to inform them that my situation had changed and that i was now single and didn't need the three bed house i was offered the guy behind the counter told me to "keep quiet about it go to my local pub find some bird to sign the form with me then just move in and throw her out " :o i didn't and i couldn't believe what i had just been told to do, so yes i believe the system is all to cock :angry:

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