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Philips 42" ~tft Tv


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I have hold of a broken Phililps 42PF7621D/10 42" TV


A friends son hit the screen with a fork and cracked the LCD. It still powers up just no picture.


If anyone has a screen that fits i would be interested in buying it, otherwise i would sell this to anyone who is interested.


I dont know what its worth just be sensible.

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I have hold of a broken Phililps 42PF7621D/10 42" TV


A friends son hit the screen with a fork and cracked the LCD. It still powers up just no picture.


If anyone has a screen that fits i would be interested in buying it, otherwise i would sell this to anyone who is interested.


I dont know what its worth just be sensible.


The screen "is" the TV, you'd get charged more for a replacement screen and getting it fitted than you would to just buy a whole new set.


(It's the same with laptops, if the screens ever get knackered it's just a case of chucking it in the bin and buying a new one.)


Maybe you could claim on your house insurance?


Also, I would suggest that you learn to make the remarkable "child scaring" noise that I have perfected, if any person of small stature starts to look dangerously interested in any of my techie gear, I make "the noise" and they soon find something else to interest them.

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