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[BBC News] Legal threat in Clarkson dispute


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I believe all they have to do is prove access over so many years for it to be designated a PROW. It doesn't actually have to go anywhere!


Basically Clarkson bought the place and with his usual arrogance decided to keep the licence payers - you know, the ones who pay his wages - away from access they have enjoyed for many years. He also reduced the height of his wall to improve his view (assuming that the proles would be long gone by then) and also put up barbed wire (did he have planning permission?) to guarantee that view.


Unfortunately arrogance and greed are virtues only recognised by comin and the funny hamshank brigade. So now he's got a real problem. I mean, if a PROW is designated, and it should be, he'll want shot of the place as living amongst a group who despise him (PROWL) is not what you want. Unfortunately the adverse publicity will then make it very difficult to sell - oh what a great shame.


It's a good laugh....

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depends on what ruling - the law lords are the highest court of appeal for the Island so could well have been an early ruling re Langness


I believe the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council is the final court of appeal for the Isle of Man, although those sitting usually include Law Lords.

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Everywhere was probably a right of way once.


Then people built themselves houses, and reasonable people decided that tramping through someone else's garden was bit antisocial, so respected the rights to privacy of people who bought the land and built the houses on it.


I wonder how PROWL would feel to have the great unwashed peering at them through their kitchen windows. Bloody disgrace - and NOT just because it's a famous person, it would be a disgrace if I was subjected to gawkers claiming some mediaeval right to trample through my petunia patch. In fact, I'm tempted to find some outdoorsy types to stand outside Dick Hodge's house with binoculars and barking dogs, and let's see how HE likes it.

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The whole PROWL thing is such bollox, go down there and see for yourself


The only changes Clarkson has made are that instead of walking in front of the lighthouse you now walk around the back, missing out on spectacular views of Jezza's kitchen / dining room


By way of comparison, my family have been crabbing & fishing off Douglas Head lighthouse for seven generations, since the property changed from the Scottish Lights Board into private ownership we have not been allowed access across the property


I have yet to see one complaint in the media about this (except for this one)

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Well, being an outdoorsy type in an indoorsy way, I think JC has every right to protect his privacy. He is only blocking off a very small part of Langness; the rest is free for courteous rambling. Not that I ramble, but I do like walking the dogs in our countryside and have often been to Langness. That curtelage does not stop an enjoyment - you just go back and pass over the hillock and, hey presto, you are back walking around Langness.


There truly would not be this fuss if it was someone other than JC.


I have posted before about the attempts to limit access to Port Soderick, but no outcry there because, after all, it is only our friendly property developer that has its sights set on that prime piece, not a TV icon. Mark my words, Port Soderick will be lost without a whimper from anyone.

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Aye, bunch of tits, they have hundreds of acres of land to "Hidey Hee. Hay nonny nonny ney" along over here, and they are bitching about a few feet of land. Good on you Clarkson, give them what for.


Exactly. If it had been a member of the public that owned the place, nothing would have been said.


I've walked round Langness on a few occasions, and the bit of land in question is not a great distance at all. In fact he has re routed the path round the back of the property, not blocked it.

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I could always help JC out if he wanted to take the family away for a few weeks and I'll stay at his place. The dorky PROWL bunch wouldn't want to go peeping through any windows once they saw my naked hairy arse being jiggled in front of the fridge a few times!


Good job they carry binoculars, a full frontal flash might scare the shit out of them.



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In fact, I'm tempted to find some outdoorsy types to stand outside Dick Hodge's house with binoculars and barking dogs, and let's see how HE likes it.

I doubt you'd be successful with that - Mr PROWL has an 8ft wall and iron gates around his house...

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To put this in perspective. A friend of mine bought a cottage many many years ago (25+). At that time, the farm adjacent to his property was owned by a farmer (go figure) who kindly granted him vehicular access from the farm lane to the cottage. Given this access, my friend applied and was granted planning permission to build a garage on the side of his cottage. All was well.


Fast forward 20 years, and the farm is sold to a well known millionaire property owner. He revokes the right of way to the garage and fences it off, the cottage owner is left with a garage that has no access. All because the aforementioned millionaire wants the cottage as well.


If the lighthouse was in the ownership of a type like the above, the press would keep quiet, the boundaries would stay up, and PROWL would be told to go f*ck themselves. Port Soderick is another prime example, where after more than 30 years of unlimited access, the new owner has decided that access will be granted at his/her whim, and the public are told to go spit.


Sort of weird how half the upper carpark at Port Soderick is now deemed as 'Private Property'.


Fight this Jezza, the nonney nays are just trying to make a name for themselves.


Edit - I think it is high time for some Judean People Front style comedy capers around the Island :P

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