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[BBC News] Legal threat in Clarkson dispute


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To put this in perspective. A friend of mine bought a cottage many many years ago (25+). At that time, the farm adjacent to his property was owned by a farmer (go figure) who kindly granted him vehicular access from the farm lane to the cottage. Given this access, my friend applied and was granted planning permission to build a garage on the side of his cottage. All was well.


Fast forward 20 years, and the farm is sold to a well known millionaire property owner. He revokes the right of way to the garage and fences it off, the cottage owner is left with a garage that has no access. All because the aforementioned millionaire wants the cottage as well.


If the lighthouse was in the ownership of a type like the above, the press would keep quiet, the boundaries would stay up, and PROWL would be told to go f*ck themselves. Port Soderick is another prime example, where after more than 30 years of unlimited access, the new owner has decided that access will be granted at his/her whim, and the public are told to go spit.


Sort of weird how half the upper carpark at Port Soderick is now deemed as 'Private Property'.


Fight this Jezza, the nonney nays are just trying to make a name for themselves.


Edit - I think it is high time for some Judean People Front style comedy capers around the Island :P


So why when the farm was being sold why did 'Your Friend' not purchase the land he had been allowed to use???

If he knew it was to be sold maybe he should put his hand in his pocket and secure the access to his house, you cannot rely on others to make your life easy.


I believe the Port Soderick top carpark is zoned as a Heavy goods vehicle park and you can apply to get access from the sea terminal if you live in Douglas and have such a vehicle to park overnight as they are NOT allowed to left unattended at night in a 30mph zone.


and as for the Judean Peoples Front :Splitters :rolleyes: it should be the Peoples Front of Judea................

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From that article about the sheep:


But Mrs Clarkson said: 'Prowl have declined an offer to meet with us so I'm not sure how an inquiry could resolve this.'


It may well seem as if this is more than some PROWLers wanting to ramble and walk.


I'll never forget the 30+ cars parked at Langness when they first "protested" for their right to walk - a right lot, they are...

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How bloody stupid, bet the "prowlers" wouldn't kick up a fuss if it was a Manxie that decided to protect their privacy.


Quite funny that statment,considering that most of the them are incomers anyway !


Another point you might find interesting is,

One of the prime movers in the P.R.O.W.L. org , is an Englishman who has history with Mr Clarkson going back to the days when they both resided in the U.K.

Strange that?

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The story strikes me as deliberate alarmism - there's no evidence cited that dogs were involved, just four dead sheep found with the inference that it was a "deliberate act" by persons unknown. Either someone's dog has been at work (at night ?), or it's a clumsy attempt to manipulate the press to give credence to further restrictions on the land. I had some sympathy with the Clarksons until I read this piece, but it seems that the evidence for further blockage of the land will be found, whether it's there or not.

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The story strikes me as deliberate alarmism - there's no evidence cited that dogs were involved, just four dead sheep found with the inference that it was a "deliberate act" by persons unknown. Either someone's dog has been at work (at night ?), or it's a clumsy attempt to manipulate the press to give credence to further restrictions on the land. I had some sympathy with the Clarksons until I read this piece, but it seems that the evidence for further blockage of the land will be found, whether it's there or not.


You could be right Mr Bastard !, but are you aware that this is the second incident where sheep have died on the Clarksons land ?


I was working at "great meadow estate" last summer ,when the farmer came down and asked to borrow the firms pick up truck, to move the carcasses of 6 sheep savaged by dogs and found dead on the Clarksons property !.

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These PROWL numpty's appear to me to be the type of people who would belabour mountain goats on apparently sheer cliff faces, and would clearly accuse them of obstructing their Right to Roam. They clearly believe that the Land Belongs to The People and also believe that they are more The People than anyone else.


Clarkson has just asked for some simple courtersies and had it thrown back in his face. People should keep their dogs under control at ALL times by law.


If it was me, i'd just lock the gates, tell them all to sod off then only allow people on the land if the sign something to abide by the rules, then employ someone to monitor it. I'd do the job for the right money.


Then, if no pass, Sue them for Tresspass. He's got the money. I'm sure the PROWL would shut up then if they had to put their money where their mouths are. Be cheaper for him in the long run.

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At what point does action from a pressure group become harassment?


If I was JC, I would close the whole lot off (to protect his livestock, of course) and let them take it through the courts.


By the by, where were the sheep, in the fenced field or grazing at will on the uncultivated bits?

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To be fair to the PROWL wankers people there are hardly any coastal walks on the Island. That 20 yards or so must be vital to them.










Sorry. I have just checked again and there are loads of coastal paths they could use instead. Anyone would think they are just picking on Clarkson because he is famous

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Well, I think we all in agreement then. So I therefore submit the following the following statement.


We the Manx Forums members (hereby known as Gods of Mann) do find PROWL (hereby known as a bunch of bobble hat wearing trouble makers) guilty of gross pettiness and acute arrogance, the penalty for this is continued mockery at the hands of your peers (us)


Have a nice day.


Now where did I put my lawyer's phone number?

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If I had my way - and the land - I would put a 12 fence all around my bit of land - and spend every bank holiday walking back and forth sticking my fingers up at anyone with a beard, or looked like an enviro-mentalist - naked, but for a pair of ear muffs and a shot gun.


Im sure people used to walk in my back garden - before they built houses here, and fenced it off - are they forming a line at the foot of my drive to wander round my back garden?


- are they hell.


Shut the f*ck up PROWL, you dont own it - never did, and never will. You were only there by the grace of the former land owner, and, as JC still allows people onto his property to enjoy everyone elses dog shit - (apart from a small section of land, so he can wander out of his own back gate, into his own back garden with stepping in rancid dog turds) I think the Clarkson family are more than generous.


Ive met him and his family on their land a few times, they are great people, just normal like most people, who deserve to enjoy their property and land without constant bombardment from grown up people who really should know better.

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