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[BBC News] Legal threat in Clarkson dispute


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If this forum is a fair cross section of the Island's population, then it's pretty clear that PROWL have absolutely no local support.


I still like that they called their pressure group PROWL, a name more befitting a cartoon organization of cat themed superheros or a group of stalkers.


You'd think the first order of business for any self respecting pressure group would be to cultivate a good, sympathetic public image of themselves, and yet the image I have of their group is that of a dejected looking man in a moth eaten panther costume stamping his foot and whining "but I don't want to walk on that path, I want to walk on THIS path!"


Perhaps we could form a counter pressure group to combat PROWL. It could be called the Society for Toleration and Acceptance of Boundaries, or STAB for short. Sure to be a winner. And we could all dress up as knife weilding robots.

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I doubt if it is at all representative - I would hazard a guess it is weighted heavily towards youngish males (strong petrol head component) and I would suggest few if any belong to active walking groups which tend by their nature to reflect the older generation. There was a very large number of signatures on the legal complaint to the AG which should have been dealt with by now - the excuse for a lull was to get the elections over with.

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Perhaps we could form a counter pressure group to combat PROWL. It could be called the Society for Toleration and Acceptance of Boundaries, or STAB for short. Sure to be a winner. And we could all dress up as knife weilding robots.


Amadeus setup something a while back when it first flared up (COPROWL) - but it fizzled out and is now defunct I think....



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Perhaps we could form a counter pressure group to combat PROWL. It could be called the Society for Toleration and Acceptance of Boundaries, or STAB for short. Sure to be a winner. And we could all dress up as knife weilding robots.


Amadeus setup something a while back when it first flared up (COPROWL) - but it fizzled out and is now defunct I think....




That's because no one had the idea of dressing up as robots. That and people objecting to PROWL probably lack the kind of demented self righteousness that usually sustain single issue pressure groups like PROWL .

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Perhaps we could form a counter pressure group to combat PROWL. It could be called the Society for Toleration and Acceptance of Boundaries, or STAB for short. Sure to be a winner. And we could all dress up as knife weilding robots.


Amadeus setup something a while back when it first flared up (COPROWL) - but it fizzled out and is now defunct I think....



Hm..didn't even know that was still online :)


Something tells me COPROWL is about to make a comeback....

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You could go with PROWL from transformers:




Prowl is an Autobot of many virtues - he is quiet, competent, loyal, and possessed of almost endless patience. When Optimus Prime appoints Prowl a task, he can be guaranteed that it will be completed to the best of Prowl's ability. Prowl is not given to speculation or estimation - the only realm in which he will work is that of the proven fact; if he can't explain it, he will not believe it. He hates doubt, and strives to make a situation as simple and logical as possible, purging excesses of concern from his mind by going to Optimus Prime for assurance. Prowl is friendly, but only as a listener; as a talker, he is not so sociable, entering a conversation usually only when someone makes an unreasonable remark, and demanding an explanation.



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I doubt if it is at all representative - I would hazard a guess it is weighted heavily towards youngish males (strong petrol head component) and I would suggest few if any belong to active walking groups which tend by their nature to reflect the older generation. There was a very large number of signatures on the legal complaint to the AG which should have been dealt with by now - the excuse for a lull was to get the elections over with.

As a middle aged and very active mountain biker I probably cover more miles a week than just about any walker could possibly cover and I'm not against a land owner moving a permissive path. .


I help clear out blocked drains to prevent water damage, assist with track building, talk to DAFF, talk to land owners, help farmers with live stock etc etc


Perhaps that's because I realise that I'm being permitted to go somewhere and not accepting it as a right


I wonder which one of us a land owner would rather have on their land ?

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I understand (not being a member of Prowl etc) that the legal point is that the path was not permissive but had become a public right of way by years of unobstructed usage which I believe the many signatories collaborated in a legal document.


I didn't claim that regular posters on this board were inactive but only doubting the statement that the regular posters were representative of the Island as a whole - those in the walking group I belong to were almost completely critical of Clarkson, especially the way he had gone about closing/diverting the path.

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I admit I'm male, but no longer that young, and I'm a pretty active walker. I'm also a long term Castletown resident and regularly stomped around the Fog Horn right down at the end of Langness as a lad.


My opinion - I totally support JC's right to privacy and to alter the footpath. My advice to PROWL is get over it. Its one small section of a large area. I'm sickened of the attitude of the dog walkers who seem to think that if their dog craps off the path (and in not an insignificant number even on it) then they can just leave it. The continuing problem with sheep worrying in the area is just symptomatic of the attitude. The whole thing leaves a sour taste of I want I want I want. I want to invade a person's privacy, I want access with out responsibility and I want to make a disproportionate fuss rather than compromise.


I'd gladly sign a petition telling PROWL to get a life.

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I doubt if it is at all representative - I would hazard a guess it...........ature to reflect the older generation. There was a very large number of signatures on the legal complaint to the AG which should have been dealt with by now -



My wife would like to know how many of these were Wheneyes?




I think Francie Clarkson (Manxborn remember) should tell these mindless bobblers to get bent, I bloody would if I could afford such a nice place!


I'm surprised Janet Street Porter hasn't 'Comeover' to rally their stupid cause.



Christ almighty there's bloody livestock getting killed here. This isn't like in NuLabours 'Right to Roam' bollix. This is old laws and down to the discretion of the Landowner surely.



And another thing Bobblers and your irritating right to Roam - a thousand rare grasshoppers will die because of you!



Oh and Frances - nothing personal - it was you that mentioned the signatories collaborated in a legal document thing a ma jig.








Ranting stopped















For now!

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