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[BBC News] Legal threat in Clarkson dispute


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I didn't claim that regular posters on this board were inactive but only doubting the statement that the regular posters were representative of the Island as a whole - those in the walking group I belong to were almost completely critical of Clarkson, especially the way he had gone about closing/diverting the path.


That doesn't call into question how representative the forum is though, the scarcity of responses supporting PROWL could instead be taken to indicate that support for PROWL is confined largely to small groups of people who have a particular interest in the specific issue (such as walking groups).


Proof then that the forum's word is law and that members of PROWL should be banished to Kitterland for all time, where they may be pelted with pebbles and rotten fruit by visitors to the Sound.


Edit: In answer to the caricature of the young, "petrolhead" bias of the forum and by extension those here who disagree with PROWL, I'm young-ish, can't drive, not interested in cars, hate Top Gear, and generally think Clarkson's public persona more properly belongs to the world of pantomime than newspapers and television. Nevertheless, I also believe in the rights of the individual and their property and that Clarkson has largely been much more reasonable in his handling of the situation than PROWL are willing to admit.

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We have been down this argument so many times. I have walked Langness, not often, but I have been there. JC's diversion does not spoil a walk; you can still circumnavigate but through a different route. I can't see that it has spoilt anything. If Langness had been blocked off entirely, then I would have some sympathy. All the man is trying to do is to protect his privacy, what is so wrong with that? It is his land and he has a perfectly polite notice at the gate allowing you access, but reminding you that it is private land and to respect that. If he was not trying to be reasonable, he would have just blocked it off entirely. He would still have had a fight on his hands, and would still be in much the same position as he is now. But he hasn't; he has tried to compromise. But jealousy or wanting to 'fell the big man' couldn't accept that compromise in the spirit it was given; getting too big for your boots Mr C? We'll teach yer!


The fact that PROWL will not meet with the Clarksons to discuss this, speaks volumes to me.


And I am a middle aged non-petrol head, female with dogs and kids who enjoys an amble through our countryside.


Having thought about it, a solution may be for Mr C to reinstate the offending pathway but have it fenced off on each side to seven foot or more with larchlap or some other obscuring fencing; there, you have the right to walk, but you can't see anything, so why bother?


Edited to add: What spoils Langness more than anything for me is the golf course and the constant threat of bombardment from stray golf balls. I think I shall call my pressure group ' Walkers Against Negligently Knocked Escaping Random Spheres'. You are either with me or against me on this one.

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Well I walk Langness tons and I dont mind walking round the back at all.

But about the sheep being killed is complete cr4p. Sheep are as thick as p1g sh1t and hurl themselves off cliffs willy nilly. Anything can spook them from rabbits to owls. On the calf they keep loughtons and stacks of them hurl themselves off the big cliffs there and there is noone there killing them.

Its all very clever mind games from clarkson to win over the "tabloid" manx public. (which seems to have worked)


What i want to know is why is the Isle of Man the only place in the British Isles that doesnt have right to roam laws. If we got in the 21st century and passed them then there is no argument and everyones happy.


Ps. Dogs being let off the lead on langness does my head in. That should be severely clamped down on.

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Never one to flame anything in my life but

But about the sheep being killed is complete cr4p. Sheep are as thick as p1g sh1t and hurl themselves off cliffs willy nilly. Anything can spook them from rabbits to owls. On the calf they keep loughtons and stacks of them hurl themselves off the big cliffs there and there is noone there killing them.

Its all very clever mind games from clarkson to win over the "tabloid" manx public. (which seems to have worked)



What complete and utter bollocks! Have you ever had to deal with a ewe aborting after being scared by a (in Yorkshire a fox) dog? Never ever nice. That is complete and utter twaddle what you have posted mate and has really (unnecessarily admittedly) upset me, I'm a manxman and was taught the ways of the countryside from a very very young age at Primary School with loads of farm visits, farmers coming and talking to us even the very irritating health and safety films, I suppose I'm being naive here. Are you a farmer?


Ps. Dogs being let off the lead on langness does my head in. That should be severely clamped down on.



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Agree, as long as you dog is under control and not annoying other people, then why not let them off the lead? Of my two, I will let the Lab off the lead as he is only interested in either chasing a ball or following a scent trail (until he cracks his head against something he didn't see because his nose is firmly planted in the ground) and he skids to a halt when called. The little terrier is now so old and deaf that she can't hear you when you call her. She can be aggressive towards other dogs, but not people, hurtling like a little red exocet towards some poor, unsuspecting mutt. She stays on the lead.


Yet which is the dog that most people get nervy about? The big black dork! My mind is often boggled that dog owners cannot 'read' other dogs, looking disapprovingly at the Lab just doing his thing and steering their dogs away from him whilst looking at the terrier all misty eyed and letting their dog go up to her while I am trying to fend them off for fear of a yelp when she plants a Farmhill kiss on their nose!

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The golf course might well be transformed into a Mount Murray mk2 if the owner gets his way

edited to add My brother has kept labradors for some years - the only dog I know with an IQ of -10 and the ability to smell puddles at 100m - Jack Russells are the real pain, ankle high and partial to any fresh flesh

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Love Langness, don't like cars, hate PROWL. I don't count JC and family as comeovers - as we all know, his missus is a comehomer. I would love to know more about the alledged motives for PROWL's aggressiveness though - I mean, JC has made a career out of his brashness - how far did he go to upset this English fella that he wants to form a group with that name and that degree of beligerence?

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The golf course might well be transformed into a Mount Murray mk2 if the owner gets his way

edited to add My brother has kept labradors for some years - the only dog I know with an IQ of -10 and the ability to smell puddles at 100m - Jack Russells are the real pain, ankle high and partial to any fresh flesh

How true! Except that Labs really are very intelligent, they just lack the assertiveness of a terrier!

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I've gone off dogs ever since my new next door neighbours brought one with them that barks all fecking night!



If the dog is outside and barking, this is a little bit naughty now, a good catapult and some ice cubes. Oh yeh baby! Will make you feel better and all evidence would have melted away.



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As to JC's "privacy" claims I just don't buy it. If it was so important to him why lower the height of the wall? Looks to me like he's flying a kite...


He should fly a helicopter gunship from there - it's HIS land!


I would imagine that he lowered the wall to enhance the sea view he'd paid so much for. Seems perfectly sensible to me.

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