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[BBC News] Scallop survey finds high stocks


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probably on a French plate - 5.5 euros/kilo in shell was the price I paid mid week in France - they are about £6.50 a pound ex shell (frozen) in Peel


Indeed - an extraordinary situation involving a superb local product (sewage or no sewage). Unfortunately the Manx majority would sooner wolf a plateful of chips, cheese and gravy, a local delicacy I must confess to never having sampled. (actually, that's a little unfair, it doesn't actually come on a plate does it?) lol....... ; ) Those French (and Iberians) know a good thing when they eat it, which is probably why they can demand a good price for bulk purchasing. Queenies, mmmmm........ lol,lol....

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Voluntary closure? ?

Mr Gawne in his wisdom ,has just notified every scallop fisherman in the Irish sea (in print ) as to the abundance of scallops in manx waters .

The man is a f*****g buffoon! , come "Nov1st" the Manx scallop fishery will be hammered to death by dozens and dozens of ,off Island scallop boats same as every year ! .

As far as I'm aware there are two seperate landing sizes for scallops , the Manx size being higher than the scots size , which basically means that the scots fishermen can catch scallops the Manx fishermen have to throw back.

As long as the Scotsmen don't land on the Isle of man they can keep them, so bearing this in mind I can't really see them taking much notice of Mr Gawne, politley asking them not to catch our scallops untill they are big enough for our few boats to catch them!



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Unfortunately the Manx majority would sooner wolf a plateful of chips, cheese and gravy, a local delicacy I must confess to never having sampled.


You really ought to. Honestly. If I had a penny for everyone I know who's said it sounds disgusting/horrible/unthinkable, then tried some & loved it....well, I'd have several pence by now. Never met anyone that tried it & disliked it mind...


Rather like scallops or queenies myself but they're a little bit of an extravagance.

I'm sure the sea will be well & truly raped of them again soon enough though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The scallop season kicked off yesterday and there are now 50+ boats off Peel dredging the seabed for the scallops as advertised by the government. Go and have a look, it's quite a sight.


The seabed will probably already look like a ploughed field by now. So much for our future stocks.

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Voluntary closure? ?

Mr Gawne in his wisdom ,has just notified every scallop fisherman in the Irish sea (in print ) as to the abundance of scallops in manx waters .

The man is a f*****g buffoon! , come "Nov1st" the Manx scallop fishery will be hammered to death by dozens and dozens of ,off Island scallop boats same as every year ! .

As far as I'm aware there are two seperate landing sizes for scallops , the Manx size being higher than the scots size , which basically means that the scots fishermen can catch scallops the Manx fishermen have to throw back.

As long as the Scotsmen don't land on the Isle of man they can keep them, so bearing this in mind I can't really see them taking much notice of Mr Gawne, politley asking them not to catch our scallops untill they are big enough for our few boats to catch them!




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As a concerned scallop lover I demand!! that the manx government implement national seabed protection laws immediately, restricting all boats to manx landings and with adult only size catches. If necessary this will be enforced by the fishery protection sysytem with guns. When Scotland finally gets independence they will not let the manx fleet, (1 remaining boat) anywhere near their water.

I expect Tynwald to write to Mr. Salmond today demanding (in a diplomatic way) that the scallop size landed in Scotland meets Manx specifications. This should be copied to Defra as I expect they have the current final say on scottish fishing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well done to all involved :rolleyes:


Says it all really. I've tended to sympathise with the local and UK fishing industry in the past, and let's be honest, they are amongst the biggest whiners of all, constantly moaning about how hard done by they are. But you know what? Sod 'em, the sooner they go under and leave the whole show to more responsible bodies, the better for everyone. Manx people should boycott this product.

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Personally, I think the DAFF should be held responsible for this. An enquiry should be held and heads should role. Announcing that we have a prime stock of scallops to the world was one of stupidest things done in a long time and if the minister could not have seen what would happen, he's in the wrong job. I wonder how much the initial survey cost the manx tax payer.


Stu Peters, there's a story in there somewhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Agreed Maggie,but it will never happen they(D.A.F.F) will bluff their way through this fiasco the same as govmt departments usually do ? .

Safe in the knowledge that this little blip will be forgotten about very shortly.


Personally I would think no less of Mr Gawne and co , if they were to put their hands up and admitted to making a bollocks

Damn shame!


On a footnote approx 6,000 bags of scallops were landed from the sea off Peel and word from within the industry has it ,that approx 18,000 bags of juvenile scallops with a potential future value to the manx fishing industry of £1,350000 were destroyed in the process of catching them!.

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