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[BBC News] Roadside spot checks for winter


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So from the looks of things, if a vehicle examiner wants to stop a vehicle driving along the road, they have to get the Police to do it (hense why the Police are there with them). The examiner can request you to produce the vehicle at a time/place for it to be checked. If a person obstructs a vehicle examiner or failys to comply with a request, they will be guilty of an offence.

This act also refers to the 'Licensing and Registration of Vehicles Act 1985' - and you would also have to look to see what powers, if any, various officials hold under that.


However, it could be as simple as someone reporting someone with no tax and the cops turning up and doing him. If you are breaching the terms of the Licensing and Registration of Vehicles Act - what's stopping anyone shopping anyone for that (government official or not)? Members of the public are actively being asked to shop each other - I've heard it first hand on the radio recently.


If it were me, I'd just admit it and get my arse down to the VTC - otherwise risk a copper turning up and getting done under the Licensing and Registration of Vehicles Act 1985, which if I was a copper I'd be tempted to do for wasting my time, and everyone else's time. Once in 'the system' - regardless of how much you wriggle they've still got you, and the more you wriggle the more you'll tangle yourself up and the more it'll cost you.

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.I will be checking if this person was actually on duty as a road side inspector, or merely a jobsworth clearly envious of my superb ride who decided to take matters into his own hands.


Doesn't really matter who reported it. Just make sure your vehicle is legal in all respects then you should be OK.


PS Your car sounds dead ace. I am sooo jealous.

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As an interested observer from across the water I have been reading through the comments on this thread and there appears to be no annual car or motorcycle MOT test on the Island.


Can I ask if this is so and also that the only testing procedures in place are random road side tests.


Many thanks.

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As an interested observer from across the water I have been reading through the comments on this thread and there appears to be no annual car or motorcycle MOT test on the Island.


Can I ask if this is so and also that the only testing procedures in place are random road side tests.


Many thanks.

Correct. Just one of the many reasons why we are the last bastion of civilisation. :rolleyes:

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Welcome Ronaldo

From http://www.gov.im/highways/vtc/examination.xml

There is no periodic "MoT" for vehicles in general, though annual road-worthiness tests are required for "annually-certifiable vehicles" which include :-


all articulated goods vehicles,

large ridged goods vehicles having more than 3 axles,

buses and coaches,


passenger-cars that are to be used as public passenger vehicles (taxis or private hire cars), and

hire-and-drive vehicles which are over 3-years old.

Vehicles which are imported into the Isle of Man that are over 3 years old require an initial test and examination prior to registration.

Vehicles which have not been licensed for two consecutive years.

Non EU Type Approved vehicles require a Single Vehicle Approval Certificate.


In addition there are roads which have no speed limit. From wiki

Nepal, the Isle of Man and the Indian states of Uttar Pradesh and Kerala are the only places in the world that do not have a general speed limit.
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Edit - Upon reading that act (thankyou VERY much for providing it, saves me a trip to ye olde gov offices) since I was never even stopped, I cannot see how this letter is even valid.

If you ignore them, then I expect they would pass on your details to the Police requesting that if your vehicle is seen driving on the road, then to stop it and request that a vehicle examiner be called out to check the vehicle. Or the vehicle examiner could do a statement saying on whatever date at whatever time, they saw your vehicle being driven on the road not conforming to the Road Traffic Act / Construction and Use / Licensing laws etc and simply ask the Police to prosecute you.


The "Licensing and Registration of Vehicles Act 1985" basically explains about displaying the registration marks:

11 Registration and registration marks

(1) Every vehicle (other than a trailer) shall be registered with the Department and the Department shall assign to the vehicle a registration mark indicating the registered number of the vehicle.


(2) The registration mark assigned to a vehicle under this section shall be fixed in the prescribed manner on the vehicle, or on any other vehicle drawn by that vehicle, or on both.


12 Failure to fix, and obscuration of, marks and signs

(1) If any mark to be fixed or sign to be exhibited on a vehicle in accordance with section 11 is not so fixed or exhibited, the person driving the vehicle, or, where the vehicle is not being driven, the person keeping the vehicle, shall be guilty of an offence.


(2) It shall be a defence for a person charged with an offence under subsection (1) with failing to fix a mark to prove that he had no reasonable opportunity of registering the vehicle under this Act and that the vehicle was being driven on a public road for the purpose of being so registered.


(3) If any mark fixed or sign exhibited on a vehicle as aforesaid is in any way obscured or rendered or allowed to become not easily distinguishable, the person driving the vehicle, or, where the vehicle is not being driven, the person keeping the vehicle, shall be guilty of an offence.


(4) It shall be a defence for a person charged with an offence under subsection (2) to prove that he took all steps reasonably practicable to prevent the mark or sign being obscured or rendered not easily distinguishable.


(5) Any person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £1,000.

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It was on nights like this, when the wind drew the fire in, all the heat went up the chimney, when the fire couldn’t heat the room. Nights like this when the draughts flew under the kitchen door, flew under the front door. Nights like this when the broken window in the back bedroom let in the gale.


So, those nights, with the house too cold, it was out to the cowshed. The cows in the stalls, with the sound of them chewing the mangled turnip the only sound. The only sound apart from the wind whistling outside. Whistling through the now bare trees. Nights like these were dark. Very dark, no stars, just wind.


So sitting on the stool, as near the cows as possible, that was where the warmth was. That was where the only warmth was. Later days, having bought a wireless powered by a glass accumulator battery, the sound of the cud and wind was drowned out by Radio Luxembourg, before it became a ‘pop’ station. Take Your Pick, Opportunity Knocks and Candid Mike – all hosted by young men with false American accents, long before they were famous on the television - Michael Miles, Hughie Green, Jonathon Routh.


Does anyone know what I am talking about, does anyone know of those days?


Do they know of the smell and warmth of the cows and their shed?

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Thanks again Andrew, I called the VTC yesterday, and spoke the the person who sent the letter. I was actually quite suprised to find that he was not a jobsworth, and after a chat, all is well, getting some new plates sorted.


And I had forgotten to change the colour of the car on my logbook which was the other point he had made.....oops :P


In hindsight, I should have just called the guy in the first place instead of going off on a rant...

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Despite what people say, they are actually quite reasonable people up there.


If you are thinking of doing something to your vehicle and not sure how "legal" it is, then give them a call (don't need to give them your name etc) and ask them the question. They know vehicle law inside out and would be able to give you an answer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wondered if these checks are anything to do with the apparent new traffic police tactic below:


Driving back oop north from Gansey early Saturday morning we saw what seemed to be a car coming the other way (on our side of the road) on main beam. After slowing to walking pace and having a closer look, it turned out to be a parked police Transit. After passing slowly and uttering something like that was "****ing dangerous" we just carried on and forgot about it. 10 minutes later, just as we entered Foxdul the same thing occurred, ie a police Transit parked towards the oncoming traffic with its headlights on full.


Just wondered if anyone else has seen this? Is it a tactic to get you to pass at 10mph so they can have a good look at you on your way home in the wee small hours? If you were the police on duty that night, what the **** were you trying to do?

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