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In Defence Of Shopping...

Charles Flynn

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In defence of shopping ....

This week is One World Week and the One World Centre working in conjunction with Amnesty International IoM, are asking for your help them to weave a giant shopping basket as part of their new campaign “shop to make a difference”!


During this year of the Bi-centenary of the abolition of the slave trade they have been raising awareness that slavery still exists today, and that we still play a part in it. “Shop to make a difference” is a new initiative asking people to think about what they are really buying. This campaign seeks to raises awareness that millions of people around the world are working in slave like conditions, not earning enough to house and feed their families, often to fuel our demand for cheap products. No high street company in the fashion industry has made a serious commitment to ensure that all workers in its supply chain receive a living wage. Few companies ensure workers have access to their trade union rights. Of the companies that have signed up to the Ethical Trading Initiative almost non are close to ratifying the agreement.


The One World Centre are asking for people to make personal pledges to help those working in slave like conditions, encouraging people to speak out against the social injustice that creates slavery today. Small changes in shopping habits can make a big difference. The personal pledges can be as simple as pledging to shop ethically, buying Fairtrade or BAFTs labelled products, pledging to ask retailers about their trading standards, whether they can guarantee that they don’t use sweatshop labour in the manufacture of their products, or whether they know if their suppliers are receiving a living wage.


Send a personal pledge written on strips of paper ( recycled preferably!) the length of an A4 sheet or a piece of fabric, spelling out the commitment you will make to help tackle slavery today. Send pledges to The One World Centre, Derby House, Castle Street, Castletown, IM9 1LA Or, go to the Strand shopping centre on Saturday 27the October and weave your strips into the giant shopping basket to remind people as the Christmas shopping bonanza begins to” shop to make a difference”!


If you would like more information about this campaign or how to get involved with the work of the One World Centre see www.oneworldcentre.iom

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