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Parliamentary Party Spelling

cheeky boy

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Just for the record... the sign was made by Workshop for the Disabled while they were still in their old workshops. Peter Karran and Bill Malarkey have not pushed for a new sign and are waiting for them to settle into their new workshops - the sign will be changed in due course. Spelling error was not that of the Liberal Vannin


Been on the new Liberal Vannin website which is Visit My Website. It is up to date and from what I believe Membership numbers have increased significantly in recent months.

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Just for the record... the sign was made by Workshop for the Disabled while they were still in their old workshops. Peter Karran and Bill Malarkey have not pushed for a new sign and are waiting for them to settle into their new workshops - the sign will be changed in due course. Spelling error was not that of the Liberal Vannin


Been on the new Liberal Vannin website which is Visit My Website. It is up to date and from what I believe Membership numbers have increased significantly in recent months.



That's right, blame the disabled


I'm sure one or both of the party members could have corrected it with a marker pen

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Been on the new Liberal Vannin website which is Visit My Website. It is up to date and from what I believe Membership numbers have increased significantly in recent months.


From the FAQ's


Why have Isle of Man MHK's been always independent ?.

It has been thought that the Isle of Man cannot support a party system but this is not the case. For comparison click on Gibraltar where you will see that this country with a population of 29,000 has had a 5 party system for many years. In its present form the Isle of Man is controlled by the Council of Ministers who determine the passage of legislation. This is not a democratic way of managing a jurisdiction.


then a little while later ...


Why have the Isle of Man MHK’s always been independent?

The Isle of Man MHK’s have traditionally always been elected more on the basis of ‘who you know rather that on what you know’ and not on National issues. This is ok when we have an economic boom as we do have now which is more out of good luck rather then good management. This can only be sustained even though it has severe long-term damage through liability as a result of the present system of Government.


We have witnessed the Manx Electricity Authority scandal where as independents no one is held responsible for the horrendous long-term liabilities for bad decision-making.


The danger of having too many independent MHK’s is that independence can be of all colours as far as the political spectrum is concerned. It is often coloured by the last person they have met and often the colour most advantageous to their own political career.


One can often see many independents who are Ministers try to blame others in Government when in fact they act as a party with their block vote in the Council of Ministers. They develop policies on many of the vital issues such as housing which totally goes against the interests of the majority and cover up for each and never expose the truth on the basis they are tied to aid the Government’s interests and their own survival.


The reason why the present independent party system is so damaging to the present system of Government is that is serves only the short-term career prospects of its own independent MHK’s interests.


When one sees scandal after scandal that have simply been covered up effectively in a blanket of secrecy it challenges the very foundation of democracy and the long-term social improvement and security of the Island.


Well I suppose they are frequently asked questions.


I have a couple of questions myself about the logo ...




What were they thinking?

Did they pay someone for that?

Have they asked the Lib Dems if they can nick their unrolled joint logo?

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I have had a look at to and it still does not answer my fundamental questions such as constitutions and what would I get from being a member. Do the members have rights to vote to set policies, elect the leader etc ec. Or would I just be paying £15 to be part of Peter's "gang"? Surely if they want you to be part of something then you need to know these sort of things or potentially you could be a member of a party which advocates the killing of the forst born and you have no ability to influence such policy.


What I did find strange is that they say that they state the " LVP have a consensus system with an open vote for members, I.e. If a member does not agree with a party proposal they are not enforced to vote with the majority" So in otherwords the LVP may have a policy but members do not need to follow it! On that basis how do they expect to gather my vote in an election when they have put in a system where they say please vote for us because these are our policies which hopefully you agree with but by the way if you do the individual you elect may not follow these policies if they wish. On that basis what is the point of a party system?


I also find it strange that they have an "online" shop on there web site which is just a list of books with an element of local interest. Some parliamentry, others TT, transport, Norman Wisdom etc etc. This is actually just a link through to Amazon. All could be ordered and obtained through a local bookshop and you would have thought a "local" party with a staunch advocate of things Manx as leader would have been advocating buying local rather off Island. Or is it purely a case of do as I say not as I do?




Been on the new Liberal Vannin website which is Visit My Website. It is up to date and from what I believe Membership numbers have increased significantly in recent months.
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How about joining and setting to rights all you see as wrong within the party, if the members agree, application forms and an information pack can be obtained by way of a simple pm.


ps You start by taking the piss out of the party and find you are taking the piss out of the disabled, nice one.

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How about joining and setting to rights all you see as wrong within the party, if the members agree, application forms and an information pack can be obtained by way of a simple pm.


ps You start by taking the piss out of the party and find you are taking the piss out of the disabled, nice one.



Fuck me, if I'd known we were going on a guilt trip I'd have packed a bag

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I am not sure who you are responding to but neither Declan or myself I think took the piss out of the party and definately not out of the disabled. I apprecaite that one or two others did earlier in the thread.


As for joining, I am not really a political activist and probably would not join any political party altough I have joined pressure grops. But if I did I would want to know what I was joining first not afterwards. Would you advocate signing up to the BNP or the Socialist Workers Party and then trying to set to rights all that appears wrong within the party. I would have thought it was in the interest of the party if they were interested in attracting members or potential voters to details such points on their website. After all if they want my vote the least I should expect is an understanding of what I am voting for. Presently I have no clue. Am I voting for a party and its policies, or the individual member and his beliefs. The web site indicates that it is the latter which makes me wonder why have a party if there are no core policies that you have to belive in and follow.


As for the points about Expedia and Halloween they are fairly immaterial but all create an impression. The LVP have a leader who expounds on certain issues which the parties website does not appear to follow. He is very vocal on being able to use Manx words in Tynwald, supporting local buisness's, not spendinggovernment money off Island and I am sure he would be the first to sound off if he found members of the government doing similarly. Well at the end of the day he would!




How about joining and setting to rights all you see as wrong within the party, if the members agree, application forms and an information pack can be obtained by way of a simple pm.


ps You start by taking the piss out of the party and find you are taking the piss out of the disabled, nice one.

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How about joining and setting to rights all you see as wrong within the party, if the members agree, application forms and an information pack can be obtained by way of a simple pm.

Cracking idea, do their job for them and you're £15 out of pocket at the end of it.

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Hang on. They have been about for over a year. They have two MHK's, a few councillors and party officials . They seek members and our votes at elections.


There is no way they can be doing that with out a formal constitution and policies. Surely it is just that they are not published on the web site etc. Either way until they do there is no point in canvasseing for my vote as I want to know what I am voting for.


I rememeber at the general election last year the Examiner listed reples to a series of set questions it had asked all candidates. The replies were all published in the same edition in a seperate supplement.


On one policy, I can not remember which now, Peter Karran who was standing for the LVP in Onchan stated one policy and Kate Beecroft whio was standing in Middle had the diametrically opposite point of view. I read it thinking how do they expect to canvass for my support for their policies when do not even appear to know what they are.


I still have that problem with them now when they state consensous but individual members do not need to follow if they disagree. If that is the case what am I voting for as I always understood that the whole point of political parties was that they had a set of policies and ideology which members etc were expected to follow. If I vote for a member representing that party then I am in effect voting for the policies of the party.


That does not appear to be the case with the LVP where individual members if standing for election etc seem able to adopt whatever stance they want. In that case why stand under a party banner. I do not mind wether we have a party system on the Island or not but surely if we are going to have a political party they should at least act like one. Presently it appears to be a group of independents standing under a common banner


I can't see a written party constitution on the Liberal Vannin website. However, it is clearly early days with this party, in terms of constitutions and policies.
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This may be a topic boring to others but it quite interest me. Does anybody know if there is any legislation in the IoM governing political parties including the funding off etc as there is in other countries

I can't see who is paying for the party either.
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