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Campaign To Save Farmhill Manor


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Makes you laugh, really, when their residential arm is called 'Heritage Homes', that they are raping and pillaging anything with any historical value. God, the directors must have p*ssed themselves laughing when they thought of that!


To be fair, Dandara are not solely to blame when it comes to the oft lamented decline in character or identity of the Island's buildings, homeowners too can often be charged with having done much to spoil the Island's older buildings. I've seen quite a few old cottages and townhouses that have been ruined by the addition of ugly 70's dormers, porches, extensions that hardly fit the character of the original building, and those three plagues that run rampant throughout Manx home improvement schemes: pebble dashing, patio doors, and bizarre external paint jobs. I'm not saying that Dandara aren't to blame for what many view as spoiling the character of the Island's towns, but private homeowners probably deserve a fair amount of criticism as well, since they typically buy the cheaper and smaller of the Island's old properties upon which much of a town's character depends.

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That's four plagues then.

On another note, Dandara have done some good work, new apartments in Ramsey look ok, basically in keeping with the terrace that existed before. The offices in Douglas are an improvement on before. They are preserving, so far, the old courthouse facade. Quite honestly, Farmhill gets what it deserves, a tacky development on a hillside, of tacky houses and cheap modern designs trying to be classy. A sea of block paving in an ocean of mediocrity.

I had occasion to visit an original cottage the other day in Sulby. Manx Heritage were there taking photos of the inglenook fireplace and other features before it falls foul of 'modernisation'. That's the bigger crime being committed behind closed doors every day.

Farmhill Manor probably deserves saving, but not at the expense of bigger and more important structures. I will support the retention of it, mainly to weaken any future applications from Dandara and their ilk.

It would be nice if the planning committee had any guts though.

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I think I may have missed the answer to this but - so we go and save the manor house - what is going to happen to it then - who is going to pay for its upkeep - us the manx rate/tax payer???


or is it as like other buildings be left to rot until another developer comes along in ten years time and they cycle starts again


"First we must try and protect Farmhill Manor by submitting a very large petition of support to the Inspector to let him know the feelings of the Manx People and the copy of the petition will help my case in Tynwald. "


Who is "we" and what is we going to do with the Manor once it is left on the register ???? I as part of the "The Manx people" would like to know what I am going to have my taxes spent on - will it be for the benefit of me?? i doubt it - as I said before in ten years time we will be having this debate again !

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It would be nice if the planning committee had any guts though.

In fairness, I think the Committee has had the guts in this case.


It is my understanding that it is at independent appeal stage. Meaning the local lot have held out and now an indy inspector from the UK has the final say.


It is the system that is flawed not always the people in the system. Changing laws is easy on the Island (comparatively anyway) the DoLGE minister should be pushing for the system to be changed, made completely local etc.


But then I'm sure you would get more claims of 'brown envelopes' and cheap holidays etc..........


On of Malarkey's main points is that an inspector from the UK is having potentially the finaly say on a piece of local heritage.

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On of Malarkey's main points is that an inspector from the UK is having potentially the finaly say on a piece of local heritage.


The inspectors decision is not binding. The Minister has the final say.

May not be binding, but will be very persuasive, or else why refer to an inspector?

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The whole manorhouse issue may well be a red herring, DD know they will get opposition to any development so their modus operandi is to propose developing the maximum square meterage of a site


This raises predictable opposition from the surrounding residents


A second, less obtrusive, plan is then put forward. This plan is then accepted and the residents believe they have won a victory


The rub being that the " second plan" was the intention from the outset, DD's development of the old Esso site on South Quay is a prime example of this tactic



If only Jezza had spoken to Dan before putting those signs up

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Sad as it is it appears this building appears to have reached the end of its useful life in it's present form. What would be the point in throwing money (which could be better spent) at it merely to maintain it for no discernible purpose?

Few people can see it and many (maybe even some of those calling for it's preservation), were even aware of its existence until now.

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It is not so much this building that is the cause for concern, but rather than certain developers feel able to wreck and demolish at will and replace with, frankly, tat. I think may people just want to see development being properly controlled and permitted without destroying the character and history of the island. At least, that is how I see it.

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