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Mike Oldfield Quits 'prep School Britain'


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Oh, the man has a point:


Mike Oldfield quits 'prep school Britain' over smoking ban


Tubular Bells composer Mike Oldfield has quit Britain because the smoking ban and health-and-safety culture have made life "intolerable".


The multi-millionaire is selling his £3.5million Gloucestershire mansion and has moved to Spain, where he says people have more freedom.


He said Britain had become too strict, with its "ludicrous" emphasis on health-and-safety rules and the increased use of CCTV and speed cameras.


The 54-year-old musician told The Mail on Sunday: "I went to a very strict prep school. You were so restricted. It was one of the worst times in my life.


"Britain has been getting more and more like that, what with this health-and-safety business.

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Tubular Bells composer Mike Oldfield has quit Britain because the smoking ban and health-and-safety culture have made life "intolerable".

Not the first, with very many to follow no doubt. Despite all of the immigration to the UK, emmigration is at it's highest level ever in the UK...and although some of the immigrants are talented and well qualified, the bulk of economic migrants are not replacing the very many: talented, well qualified and experienced people; who are leaving the UK and going to the US, Australia and elsewhere in droves.


I though Mike Oldfield lived here some of the time?

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Fixed the story:


The multi-millionaire is selling his £3.5million Gloucestershire mansion and has moved to Spain, where he says its sunnier and he will pay less tax.


This is just standard 'I'm leaving your all shit' syndrome. Why can't he be fucking honest about it, rather than slag everything on the way out the door?

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Everything he did apart from Tubular Bells was crap anyway.


Except Moonlight Shadow, that was jaunty.


Mind you, it doesn't take much for him to find things "intolerable" does it?



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Particularly amusing as spain banned smoking before the UK did too...




The Spanish government, while being seen to promote health by making public places such as schools and airports smoke-free, inserted a compromise in the legislation which allows those of the nicotine persuasion to feed their habit relatively unhindered. The law allows patrons of licensed premises under 100 square metres in size to decide whether or not to allow smoking.

Of the 20 establishments where a refreshment can be taken on my bit of La Rambla de Poblenou, only three have opted to tell smokers to fug off. One is a bread shop and another is a pizza takeaway, both with a few tables and chairs but hardly the kind of places you would choose to stop for a smoke. The third is a coffee shop, which is the only location where you might want to engage in a recreational puff where it is banned. In the rest of the joints, it is lighting-up time as usual.


Not quite the same as the UK bans, is it?

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Seems lots of people thinking of leaving. A quick Google reveals that the following are all thinking of "quitting Britain"


Ewan MacGregor

Lewis Hamilton

Audley Harrison

AMP, the Australian financial group


George Michael


Kate Moss

Ant and Dec

....and smarties link

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I think this is the start of the obvious, more and more non-exsistent people are moving to Britain & the legitimate British people are moving out. Its a bit of a crappy place really, theres not much in the way of real industry and a country cannot survive on 'banks' forever.

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Well i think the guy is right, i know off 4 people who have moved in the past 12 months to spain.


I know if i had the money he had i would never want to live here or the UK.


Your health suffers once you get to a certain age in the UK at least in spain and the likes you have not got a massive heating bill for a start.

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Well i think the guy is right, i know off 4 people who have moved in the past 12 months to spain.


I know if i had the money he had i would never want to live here or the UK.


Your health suffers once you get to a certain age in the UK at least in spain and the likes you have not got a massive heating bill for a start.


And if you had the money he had (or has, strictly speaking) your heating bill would have no impact on your health.

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What i mean is the people i know who live out there really love the climate and the relaxed way of life, i personally hope that when i retire i can move out there myself.


There is a lot of people who migrate in october and come back in april, and if you ever get to the UK you will understand why people want to move.


Grey gloomy winters or sunny warm ones it aint a hard choice is it :D

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