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Orange Box

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My new PC bits have just arrived from Overclockers, Core Duo Joy ahoy! (Assuming I can remember how to put a PC together, that is.)

I'll pop over to see Mr Gamesmaster as I trust he will have the Orange Box for PC in stock.

I have heard much about this awesome tune at the end of Portal, is it really that good?


Ew, you don't buy the disk, you download it from steam!


The Portal ending is the best of any game ever.


Best song? yeah, Best ending? nah.

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Ahhh right OK but that'll be an awful lot of downloading for everything that's in The Orange Box.


I've re-downloaded it a few times, doesn't take so long. Just prioritise! Far prefer to buy shit on steam than worry about losing disks and keys and whatnot.


Well I bought my Orange Box from Gamesmaster today, the full install of everything was 15GB, not sure I'd fancy downloading it all once, let alone multiple times...... Plus I'd rather have re-installation media to hand anyway.


I also got PGR4 for the 360, 'cause I was in a naughty mood.


Like the proverbial pig in shit, I'm far too spoiled for choice now and don't have a clue where to start, I'll probably end up playing Counterstrike for old time's sake, although I doubt I'll be as uber-elite as I was at the pinnacle of my skills.....


I quite fancy giving Team Fortress 2 a try though.

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aaaarrrrggghhhh striders, fcuk me I didn't expect to take on so many at once!!! lovin HL2, not finished it yet but have a feelin i'm getting close, can't wait to see what surprised ep1 and 2 have in store! :P


Well if you hated striders in HL2, EP2 is going to rip you a new one!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bugger me, how bloody good is Portal!


I've sort of been putting off playing it because I thought it'd be a bit silly and gimmicky - but it really is something the likes of which I've never played before. (And I mean that in a good way.)


Absolutely brilliant, and even Mrs Embryo picked up on the wonderfully tongue-in-cheek commentary, (despite being immersed in reading fan-fiction on her laptop at the time), "this may cause unfortunate side effects such as vapourisation" is the amusing quote she picked up on.


The dear olde 360 is being rather neglected at the moment, I feel terribly unfaithful.

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finished ep1 last nite ( I hate zombines!!! ), started ep 2 immediately afterwards, already liking the more organic environments ( well was until I entered the mine! :unsure: )....fantastic so far, but am only about 45mins in...


I may be wrong but I'm sure I heard the computer's voice from Portal ( in the hut where Alyx makes contact with her dad and the professor ), could be mistaken but it bloody well sounded like her! :o

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Finished Portal this afternoon and I'd be absolutely lying my ass of if I said I hadn't had to resort to the video walkthroughs on YouTube for the last few levels.


I just don't seem to have the brain power to cope with these puzzly type games. (Lemmings frustrated the crap out of me over a decade ago.)


It's a tremendous game though, and it's worth it just to hear the song that plays over the end credits :D

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Well if you hated striders in HL2, EP2 is going to rip you a new one!


OK so I now officially hate hunters! Ep.2 has been fantastic, i've not finished it yet ( just got out of the antlion caves - so probably no where near )...i've got to say i've grown attached to Alyx ( not in that way you sickos ), as a videogame character she's great ( I just wish she was a bit of a better shot with the sniper rifle! )...got to try and finish ep. 2 before this weekend

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