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Guardian Article


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Well I’ve already had 5 E-Mails from friends overseas taking the pee and asking me as an ex-pat Manxman just what sort of a place the Island is.


I just told them to re read the article as I saw nothing in it that didn’t sum up the situation quite accurately.


Sorry guys, if you lie with dogs don’t whinge when you get fleas.


I also sent copies of the FCMR item and a few copies of the related goings-on. No doubt this wiill soon blow over -- or maybe not.


Let's hope not. It's time there was a clear out and those who have been so ready to reply with 'There's a boat every mornin' yesser' when meeting criticism that they simply didn't like about the direction things were taking on the Island will now feel that taking that famous boat might just be a rather good idea – but this time for them.

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It is very easy for everyone jumps on the going's on, on the Isle of Man quite so rapidly and decides to paint us as some antiquated backwater, full of sleaze and corruption (and, of course, it may be that much of this is the case!)


Maybe this UK newspaper should be looking more closely at the UK government. Whilst people are whingeing about a sleazy 'tax haven' which has 'draconian' laws, young British soldiers and thousands of innocent people of another nation are dying, right as we speak.


Is this the result of some UK draconian law which allows them to invade another country, kill thousands of the inhabitants and change thousand's of years of histrory by turning it into a Democratic puppet of America.


No it is the result of power crazy capitalists from Downing Steet and Pensylvania Avenue who think that they are above the law and hold the moral high ground.


So whilst people may be taking the p1ss out of us and having a bit of a laugh, who gives a flying xxxx when the country from which those comments are coming from, have shown themselves to be beyond reproach from the law itself.


People in glass houses.................

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We had shaken off the seedy tax haven label - as indeed, the OECD and FATF would confirm.


There is a certain amount of irony in the fact that we are one of the most heavily regulated jurisdictions in the world.


Laughable really.


Edited to add : It makes me feel really cross actually, that a lot of combined effort is potentially ruined by a few (apparently untouchable) fat cats with attitude.

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Its true about the out dated libel laws on the IOM.


But what about Ned spending £30000.00 of the Tourism grant money(our money) on his own home, and whyhas ne been allowed to get away with it. the Manx press never gave that out or did they.

The Guardian has a world wide circulation, and is nealy always found in receptions of Banks and Finance Houses, looks like another nail in the Manx coffin.

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Any power and credibility of the article was somewhat diluted by their "tourism factsheet" at the end, I think.


I don't think the little footnotes detracted from the piece at all. I would suggest it was an attempt to put the place and therefore the actions being taken into perspective.

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The Guardian has a world wide circulation, and is nealy always found in receptions of Banks and Finance Houses, looks like another nail in the Manx coffin.


......just as well there was a typo that said £30,000 then eh? Doesn't sound quite so bad :-)


Edited to add : Anyway, he didn't spend 300k of grant money - that was the project total (roughly) the grant funds were just short of 100K.

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