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Sh*t On The Armed Forces Time ( Again )


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Those injured in combat can stay and presumably will be able to claim benefits etc - fair enough.


Those who have to leave the service because they cannot perform as expected of them as a member of the UK Armed Forces have no right to stay, claim benefit etc if discharged with less than 4 years service - harsh but probably fair, IMHO of course.

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This will varey from regiment to regiment, perfect example we had was a Fijian soldier who joined the regiment and broke his back while sky diving on his weekend off.


He had 8 months off and then came back to the regiment and was looking at discharge because he was non operational. They looked into what was going to happen and he was going to be deported if discharged so they kept him in the regiment in a non operational role.

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I feel sorry for the forces at the moment the general public seem to be taking it out on them over Iraq when we all know its Tony Blair who should be getting all the ill feeling.


About time they brought the lads and lassy's home and let the yanks protect the oil.

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