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Bolton Council Bans Foie Gras


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Foie gras ban put to councillors


Foie gras could be banned from all council buildings in Bolton if a motion raised later is met with approval.


How good to know that these hard working defenders of world peace are now targeting this hugely important topic, especially as it is well known that millions of tons of Foie Gras are consumed by council house tennants every year, who usually enjoy it together with a bit of veuve clicquot and some caviar on the side. I fully expect Foie Gras enforcement agents to search every kitchen on every estate in Bolton shortly <_<

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I saw a video on North West news last night showing how these Geese and Ducks etc. are force fed twice a day to make their livers 10 times bigger than normal. Not particularly nice viewing.

An ugly sight true enough.


Happily, some around the main Foie area are free range these days and you can visit the birds and see how they're raised.


Tastes better too!

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What's with the assumption that everybody in Bolton is a council tenant?

From council buildings means all offices of Bolton Council, not private dwellings, be they local authority owned or not.

Why shouldn't council tenants eat this muck if they want to? You snob.


[edited to remove all swear words and other ill tempered retorts.]

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I realise that the ban covered council offices and workshops rather than council owned homes


But I am a snob, particularly when it comes to food and I thought taking the piss out of Bolton's council tenants sounded funnier


I apologise unreservedly


Now you get back to your deep fried in batter big mac & large coke, while I tuck into a little lobster & truffle mousse washed down with chilled Vouvray

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I realise that the ban covered council offices and workshops rather than council owned homes


But I am a snob, particularly when it comes to food and I thought taking the piss out of Bolton's council tenants sounded funnier


I apologise unreservedly


Now you get back to your deep fried in batter big mac & large coke, while I tuck into a little lobster & truffle mousse washed down with chilled Vouvray


Yea! and make sure your burger is cooked properly ,some chefs do tend to undercook them??

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I don't get your point. 22% is of social housing origin,how much is still in the control of the council?

I have no inclination to read yet another diatribe about how fucking clever you are with google and other search machines. How about stopping this 'cut and paste' mentality and come up with some original thought? How long to we have to suffer your rantings and general 'up oneself' ideology? No doubt there will follow a whole page of crap about the levels of poverty in the north east opposed to the same data in the southern hemisphere and why the inhabitants of the dark continent don't eat some inflated goose livers, even though it's loaded with good enzymes and vitamins.

I'm sick of it all and I'm going for a lie down.

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What's with the assumption that everybody in Bolton is a council tenant?

A quick Google shows 22% of housing in Bolton is social housing.

I don't get your point. 22% is of social housing origin,how much is still in the control of the council?

I have no inclination to read yet another diatribe about how fucking clever you are with google and other search machines. How about stopping this 'cut and paste' mentality and come up with some original thought? How long to we have to suffer your rantings and general 'up oneself' ideology? No doubt there will follow a whole page of crap about the levels of poverty in the north east opposed to the same data in the southern hemisphere and why the inhabitants of the dark continent don't eat some inflated goose livers, even though it's loaded with good enzymes and vitamins.

I'm sick of it all and I'm going for a lie down.

A quick Google identifies your symptoms as pointing to either mental illness or severe stress. I'd save my breath if I was you - you'll need it to blow up your date tonight.


...er...I was just answering a specific question!

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