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Call Of Duty 2 Team Deathmatch Competition


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If anyone is interested we will be having a CoD2 team deathmatch competition on our 4pc lan on Sunday 11th November from 6pm.


Entry is £1 per person , but you must have two players to a team.Over 15's only as this game is age restricted.


Before anyone accuses me of advertising in here , this is a non profit making venture for me , as all the entry fees go towards the cash prize that the winners get.


No need to bring any of your own pc's etc..Just turn up and prepare to own or be owned ;)

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If anyone is interested we will be having a CoD2 team deathmatch competition on our 4pc lan on Sunday 11th November from 6pm.


Entry is £1 per person , but you must have two players to a team.Over 15's only as this game is age restricted.


Before anyone accuses me of advertising in here , this is a non profit making venture for me , as all the entry fees go towards the cash prize that the winners get.


No need to bring any of your own pc's etc..Just turn up and prepare to own or be owned ;)


Change Of Date


Sunday 18th November 6pm Onwards

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If anyone is interested we will be having a CoD2 team deathmatch competition on our 4pc lan on Sunday 11th November from 6pm.


Entry is £1 per person , but you must have two players to a team.Over 15's only as this game is age restricted.


Before anyone accuses me of advertising in here , this is a non profit making venture for me , as all the entry fees go towards the cash prize that the winners get.


No need to bring any of your own pc's etc..Just turn up and prepare to own or be owned ;)


gutted i'm over on the isle at day but without my rigg :(


anyone getting cod4???


xfire speed6krafty

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Most built-in maps seem a bit large for 2v2 duels, so are you going to be using custom maps ??


No , I know what your saying though , but with maps like Brecourt , that are quite big , its ideal for a good bit of sniping.Because we draw the maps at random its a good test of ability

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its ideal for a good bit of sniping


Hmm, I read that as camping, thus making for a potentially slow and uninteresting game.


At MannArena we use Road to Hill 400 which is a conversion of a single player map that's built-in to the game.


Maybe it's worth having a look into a smaller map that most people won't have seen.This would be a good test of peoples skillz

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its ideal for a good bit of sniping


Hmm, I read that as camping, thus making for a potentially slow and uninteresting game.


At MannArena we use Road to Hill 400 which is a conversion of a single player map that's built-in to the game.


Maybe it's worth having a look into a smaller map that most people won't have seen.This would be a good test of peoples skillz



Well as someone who immensely dislikes camping ( I agree it does make it boring ) there is a definite art to sniping.I hate it when they lie in the grass though and just lay there sniping from a distance.


At the end of the day I try and make it as fair as I can , but to be frank here , I really cannot be too bothered , I know that the last few lan competitions we have had have gone really well and we as a business get absolutely nothing out of it , but where else is there to go here for people of all ages who dont have a pc , 360 etc.. to have an enjoyable evening playing on games.


If you want to come , then come down enjoy the evening , enjoy the atmosphere and maybe win yourself some cash , if you don't want to then don't


I can't make all of the people happy all of the time :rolleyes:

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I know these forums can be difficult to read people meaning.... mbx isn't trying to be arsey - I know him and he's just offering some friendly advice.


I know through bitter bitter experience that running or having lans always falls into arguments over what patch, map, hax are being used etc and I also appreciate that you, as a business, aren't getting direct money from it but you're also indirectly growing your brand and awareness. Perhaps if I was being a bit snide I'd throw your own remark back here and say "if you don't make money from it then you don't have to do it!".


I applaud you offering a bit of lan action which has been sorely missing on island since copycat and feegans stopped having the games facility, but if you want to develop it - a bit of free friendly advice from an experienced lanner like mbx isn't worth turning your nose up at.





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Thanks for that Rhumsaa.


I'm sorry if you thought I was "dissing" you there Marcus.

I'll call in and introduce myself next time I'm up your way.

I was actually just trying to offer an opinion, but at the end of the day, if you have a format that you've tried and tested, and works, then fair enough. Don't change it


Just adding my tuppence worth :D

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I'm sorry




We do get goodwill out of this but it is a load of aggro and sometimes I wonder if its worth it.I seem to be having nothing but problems with the install on CoD2 on the pc's.When they go on internet servers , loads of mods etc.. download and it seems to cause problems.


I am not a total NooB when it comes to teckie issues on pc's but too much of my time is wasted messing around with the pc's and this is whats behind my hesitancy about installing new maps , mods etc..


Anyway , I do appreciate any help , if you want to give me some of your knowledge MBX it will be greatly appreciated



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