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[BBC News] Death due to drugs inquest shows


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A touch of plagiarism


I have NO sympathy for anyone who knowly injects drugs of this nature then collapses and dies.


Everyone who does this type of thing is aware of the risks involved...


I think thats a bit harsh. Do you have sympathy for say a TT competitor who dies knowingly riding in the TT and is aware of the risks involved in this type of thing?


Yes, taking drugs is stupid but I don't believe that disqualifies users as deserving of any sympathy in circumstances such as these

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Ans, surely we must bring in religion and global warming at some point.


Also a conspiracy theory.


The police put him in the stairwell as a message to kids.


"Don't inject illegal drugs or you'll die young in a stairwell"... maybe...


<apologies if that's a bit tastless..>

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So you don't hold with the concept of Personal Responsibility.


Acknowledging that you are solely responsible for the choices in your life.

Accepting that you are responsible for what you choose to feel or think.

Accepting that you choose the direction for your life.

Accepting that you cannot blame others for the choices you have made.

Tearing down the mask of defense or rationale for why others are responsible for who you are, what has happened to you, and what you are bound to become.


Thats why society is going to the wall because more and more cop outs are using the excuse that they are not responsible for their own actions.



I'll leave it to the MF Admins and mods to decide if a post is acceptable or not.

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Sadly individual experiences in life can cause drug problems which maybe we are unaware, having seen first hand drug overdoes, drug addiction, drugs leading to severe mental illness, each case is unique.


Those dependant on having several beers nearly every night isn't all that different from lesser drug use, for example cannabis, which, despite all the moaning that last phrase might cause, both are completely different, yet similar, both used socially to interact and relax, to fit in sometimes with a crowd, both have health risks, both have dependancy issues.


I would agree that being in stoners circles means more likely to encounter and possibly try more drugs than alcohol, but the "evil weed" ain't much, if any worse, than the much beloved tipple, yet the amount of alcohol dependant people in my experience complaining about weed makes me laugh.


This lad, who I lived with nearly a decade ago and more recently became one of my brothers best mates, obviously knew what he was doing, probably did it for a reason that is down to him, and whilst not expecting sympathy from most, a respect to not start an ironic drug bashing match would show some decorum.


No-one is perfect and we all have skeletons, I bet some reading this have done much worse to society than just take drugs themselves, only harming themselves, which, ulimately this young lad has done and saldy paid the ultimate price.


IMO, the drugs issue in the UK needs to be dealt with differently, not saying I know a solution, but the current system clearly isn't working, legalising drugs would initially probably increase deaths etc, but there must be a different system put into place.


If you know the right people you can buy drugs on pretty much EVERY street on the Island, or only have to go to an ajoining street, it is rife and anyone who believes otherwise is saldy deluded.

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Tell me something . . .


If you were caught dealing in heroin and, as a result, received six lashes of the birch, would you go out on the street and deal some more heroin???


Probably. There's good money to be had in offloading skag.

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