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[BBC News] Death due to drugs inquest shows


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Aye well said Chopsticks. It's a pretty poor show when you can't feel sympathy for someone who dies in such horrid circumstances. How can someone not have such little humanity that they want to gloat about not feeling anything?

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It's the "holier than thou" brigade who really get on my tits in the drugs debate.


Obviously all the "NO SYMPATHY FROM ME!" lynch mob never drink, or smoke, or drive a fast car, or go fell-walking, or any of a million other things that carry the risk of injury or death. Be they "obviously" dangerous (like drinking or smoking or riding a bike in the TT) or more mainstream but still riskier than just staying at home and watching telly.


Had a heart attack and fell into a river whilst out fishing? Tough luck you dumb cunt, you knew the risks!


It's the edge of tangible pleasure that some people seem to take in a drugs-death that I find most unpleasant, like society has just ridded itself of a problem without having to carry out the unpleasantness of state-sanctioned killing or suchlike.


No one becomes a drug addict for the glamorous lifestyle, or because of all the great new friends it makes them, or for how it does their career prospects a world of good - because being a drug addict is a pretty fucking miserable state of affairs, and call me an old hippy, but I think as a society - (society, remember that?) - we have a duty to reach out to people when they're scraping along the bottom of the barrel of life and attempt to give them a hand back up.


Failing that, just call "no sympathy" and gloat that "another one's dead," and pray that you or no one close to you ever ends up going through the kind of terrible life-changing events that separate all of us from "normality" and the kind of existence that leaves us dead in a stairway one night - because that line is thinner than you might possibly imagine.



none of the things you list are illegal,and that's why there's little to no sympathy for smackheads, you just shouldn't be doing it in the first place.

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none of the things you list are illegal,and that's why there's little to no sympathy for smackheads, you just shouldn't be doing it in the first place.


Oh for christ's sake the law has nothing to do with it.


If someone crashes into a wall doing 53mph in a 50 zone and they get killed, should they get no sympathy as well, because they shouldn't have been doing it in the first place?


By the time someone gets to the point of helpless drug addiction and overdoses, the law has long since ceased to mean anything, it's the worst kind of spineless cop-out to brush it aside as "well they were breaking the law, stupid junkies, bollocks to them."


The law changes over the years, what's illegal this year might be legal the next, and vice versa - our reactions to tragedies such as the death of this young man should be guided by human empathy, compassion, and caring, not some arbitrary line in the sand that "the law" represents. Particularly so when it comes to drug laws, which are some of the most ill-conceived and societally damaging bollocks ever foisted upon the population.


Fuck the law.

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For the record, I stated I had no sympathy. I did not gloat, I did not not go ha ha, roflmao or gloat in anyway.

A personal opinion.

But of course I'm not allowed that am I?????


And reading back each post fully, I don't think I'm totally alone on that angle.


Oh and thanks very much for wishing it on me or my family. For your information, it's already touched us.

And been dealt with.


PS Thanks for the hate mail from last night. Very brave, Feel free to try it. How brave of you to hide behind an annonymous e mail address. Gutless f*ckers

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PS Thanks for the hate mail from last night. Very brave, Feel free to try it. How brave of you to hide behind an annonymous e mail address. Gutless f*ckers


I hope that's not aimed at me, anything I have to say to people, I say in public on the forums or via PM and I always use the same name.


(And I didn't wish anything upon your family either, if you'd care to re-read my post.)

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the bees

Hope the next one isnt one of your family or friends. The reality is - it could be.



pray that you or no one close to you ever ends up going through the kind of terrible life-changing events that separate all of us from "normality" and the kind of existence that leaves us dead in a stairway one night - because that line is thinner than you might possibly imagine.


I read that as wishing it on me and mine.

As regards

By posting it that was gloating. Even if you feel that way, you still had the option to choose not to post it. This guy must have had family and friends, and it is heartless to post your lack of sympathy.

Thats what Admin and Mods are for, to decide if a post is acceptable or not isn't it?


And to quote WTF

some of whom posted in the original thread about the sad loss etc, but why was not enough done by these relatives when he was alive to rescue him from his bad choices??


I don't see any answer to that anywhere do you?


Nor do I see any condemnation of the piece of shit who dealt the muck................

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Simple Fact 1. If I discovered that one of my loved ones was using serious drugs, I'd be bricking it about what to do - and I'd be aware that it would be a hell of a job to persuade them to change their habits.

Simple Fact 2. Anyone can make mistakes, especially when they're young. And making mistakes about being able to 'handle' drugs is not only an easy one to make, its also one where the realisation of the mistake may come too late.

Simple Fact 3. I'm not smart enough to have the answers to the misuse of drugs problem - whether its best to decriminalise or to punish fiercely - and neither is anyone else on this forum.

Simple Fact 4. Any unnecessary loss of life - whether by accident or error of judgement - is a tragedy. The tragedy does not only belong to the victim, it also belongs to those who care for him/her.

It is too late to offer sympathy to the victim, but I offer my sincere condolences to those who are hurt by his loss.

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pray that you or no one close to you ever ends up going through the kind of terrible life-changing events that separate all of us from "normality" and the kind of existence that leaves us dead in a stairway one night - because that line is thinner than you might possibly imagine.


I read that as wishing it on me and mine.



Well in that case you need to read what's actually written and not what you want to see.

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I agree with all of your post Lonan

but I offer my sincere condolences to those who are hurt by his loss.

I would too, assuming that none were complicit in the final event. Friends? Remains to be determined.


As regards 1.

My PERSONAL experience was as follows

I once spent several months attempting to get the Police ( across ) to deal with a drug dealer who was becoming a danger to one of my family by hanging around the house.

I watched him doing his business. Got his vehicle numbers. Tracked him 24/7

They did sweet f*ck all.

Finally I even clearly warned him myself.

Waste of time.

In the end I dealt with it myself by going after him. As I was going in through his front door, he escaped over his back wall.

The police then arrived and found his wares. Several thousands pound worth. And this was at the end of the last century.

He went to Prison.


I then received ( third hand - par for the course ) threats of retribution. The Police said they couldn't do anything until it happened so I dealt with that myself by paying visits at 4am.


When the lack of police action over such a long time became known in the public domain, there was an official complaint to the Police. The local press got involved and also my MP and CID and the Uniforms blamed each other ‘for lack of communication’. My MP actually contacted Blair who passed it to Blunkett, who passed it to some pen pusher in the Home Office who then passed it back down to the Chief Constable.


After my MP let rip, The Chief Constable of the force involved wrote me a four page letter full of waffle, bull and excuses. At the end was a half hearted apology for not acting on ‘ your detailed information’ and stating that a review of information processing would be ‘considered’


Not that I would condone doing this sort of thing but it resolved the particular problem.


The threat was dealt with.


Another section of my family had similar problems. Their solution ran along similar lines but the nature of the threat was different.

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Oh and one more thing. Drugs use ( hers ) resulted in my marriage breaking up.

I'm waiting on the absolute now.

So don't expect any touchy feely bollocks from me.

No excuse, no mitigation.

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Thats what Admin and Mods are for, to decide if a post is acceptable or not isn't it?


No they're not editors, they're not here to prowl the forums looking for every lapse of tact and taste, their role is to ensure the future of the forum by preventing legal difficulties and that people abide by the T&C's. Their existence does not abrogate you from the responsibility of thinking before you post and it doesn't absolve you from criticism from other users for your posts.


Ultimately, if I was still a mod I wouldn't have removed your post. You were expressing an opinion, one that it is acceptable to hold, and no matter how distasteful it may be, one you have a right to express. But that doesn't mean I am not going to challenge you on your opinion or on the wisdom on expressing it in this thread. You choose to make a post like that you are accepting the consequences, and although those consequences should not include personal threats by anonymous e-mail, you need to realise that an insensitive post will attract criticism.

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Fair enough. I'm happy to draw a line but somehow I doubt a few will. Read the last two above posts of mine and that will give you an indication of where I'm coming from.

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No they're not editors, they're not here to prowl the forums looking for every lapse of tact and taste, their role is to ensure the future of the forum by preventing legal difficulties and that people abide by the T&C's. Their existence does not abrogate you from the responsibility of thinking before you post and it doesn't absolve you from criticism from other users for your posts


What he said. I personally don't read much these days, I dip in and out of threads and ignore others completely based on their title. Our bread and butter tool is the Report Post function. Seeing as nobody used it to report your post, we're not interested. Unless it explicitly breaks the T&C, pretty much any opinion is valid. Hell, we let Rog troll here for long enough before he finally scuttled off.


Getting threats by email isn't really on though, but I wouldn't take them seriously. Revenge is best served cold, but also as a surprise. Nobody who actually intends on doing anything would bother warning you, they'd just do it. As it is, they'll just be some chickenshit toughguy.

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