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Flybe May Have A Problem


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For anyone travelling next week:


A couple of hours ago a SAS Q400 crash landed at Copenhagen (fortunately no-one was hurt) as a result of landing gear failure (again) and SAS have immediately grounded all remaining aircraft of that type. FlyBe use this aircraft as well and last time it happened it resulted in IOM flight cancellations (although their aircraft are relatively young so they may be ok).

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A couple of hours ago a SAS Q400 crash landed at Copenhagen (fortunately no-one was hurt) as a result of landing gear failure (again)

I don't like text-only news threads - I want to see things, such as a video of the emergency landing :)


And a picture:



Looks like the right gear didn't come out and it went for a slide down the runway - lucky...

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I don't like text-only news threads - I want to see things, such as a video of the emergency landing :)

Well done that pilot, I'm pretty sure I'd be having a brown trouser moment if I was on the plane.


Indeed, good bloody job!


That's what they get paid for I suppose, getting it right when shit goes wrong - nice effort :)

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I had a scare years ago when I decided to add a twin-engine rating to my PPL. An instructor and I set off in a Piper Navajo (similar to the 8-seaters Comedy Airlines used on the Blackpool route) for an airfield in Shropshire to do touch and go approaches and circuits (much cheaper there than at Manchester Airport!). On the first approach I ran through the pre-landing checks and found only 2 of the three green gear lights came on. We tried all the usual options - recycle the gear, check the bulb, try hand cranking the hydraulics - but the tower confirmed one of the main legs didn't seem fully down.


Long story short, we asked Manchester if we could go back and they refused - they didn't want a broken aeroplane closing their (then) only runway, so we diverted to Liverpool. A low pass by their tower confirmed that something was probably amiss and they asked me what my intentions were. In as laconic a voice as I could muster (it's amazing how calm you become faced with an emergency and plenty of time to deal with it) I told them that eventually I'd like to crash gently, if that was OK. In fairness, it should be possible to land a light aircraft reasonably safely in those circumstances - and I DID have an instructor there to help.


Anyhoo, ironically the IOM flight was just about to leave, so they asked us to hold at the LPL beacon for a couple of minutes - and whilst running through our pre-landing checks there, the gear 'popped' and we got three greens...and convinced Manchester we were safe to return there after all (they took some convincing too!).


After landing, the engineers at Manchester checked the aeroplane saying initially 'oh it's just probably a faulty indicator microswitch'. The engineer later found us and said it was all a bit more serious and we'd been lucky it didn't collapse on landing...


Lost interest in doing my twin rating after that, so I can still only fly things with one propeller!

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Lost interest in doing my twin rating after that, so I can still only fly things with one propeller!

..which doesn't mean things go without trouble at times:






Maybe you should buy this as your next car?

Ensures you always have a runway handy :) (some skill, that bloke...)
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SAS removes Dash 8 Q400 from service permanently


Following the recent period of events involving aircraft of the Dash 8 Q400 type, SAS's management, following an unscheduled meeting of the Board of Directors held today, has decided to immediately discontinue the use of this type of aircraft.


"Confidence in the Q400 has diminished considerably and our customers are becoming increasingly doubtful about flying in this type of aircraft. Accordingly, with the Board of Directors' approval, I have decided to immediately remove Dash 8 Q400 aircraft from service," says Mats Jansson, President and Chief Executive Officer of SAS.


In January 2000, SAS was the first customer to use the Dash 8 Q400 in its traffic operations. The aircraft have accounted for approximately 5 percent of the Group's passengers. The aim is to replace traffic based on the Q400 by reallocating current aircraft in the SAS Group's fleet and by means of leasing.


"The Dash 8 Q400 has given rise to repeated quality-related problems and we can now conclude that the aircraft does not match our passengers' requirements concerning punctuality and regularity. SAS's flight operations have always enjoyed an excellent reputation and there is a risk that use of the Dash 8 Q400 could eventually damage the SAS brand," says John Dueholm, Deputy CEO of SAS.


Due to the decision, SAS's traffic services will be affected by flight cancellations in the period immediately ahead. The customers concerned will be given an opportunity to either rebook or have their tickets refunded. For detailed information about traffic services, reference is made to the airlines' various websites (www.sas.se www.sas.dk www.wideroe.no)

SAS Group Corporate Communication



Oh well flybe will be able to pick on 27 of them cheap as chips now.

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Great work by the pilots and cabin crew. Look at the speed the passengers were out!!. Im not sure im too impressed with two mini buses first to the plane tho. Saying that im not sure those ancient fire tenders could have gone any quicker!!!

As for q400s they are chronic planes. Pilots have been moaning about flying them for years. They sold well cus they are cheap to run and can hit speeds close to regional jets so kerrchingg tastic.

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