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No Jail For Rolly But Bankrupted


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Interesting P.K. (and in the light of Billy's link) what I don't follow is how it could be contempt of court for him not to reveal his sources. Isn't it someone's right to defend themselves however they see fit, and that doesn't necessarily mean revealing his sources.


Indeed Roly's allegations don't even have to be true, The Telegraph's current defence against the George Galloway libel case is that as it was in the public interest gave them the right to publish.

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Why should I bother? You tried to make the point that journalists are viewed differently in libel cases and can use certain journalist defences (not applicable in the IOM anyway) and that as Roly is no journalist these did not apply and the court agreed. You then go on to demonstrate how certain in that profession have a good deal less integrity than Roly! [/irony]


Exactly how are you measuring integrity?

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Someone for whom I have no regard for whatsoever said...

Ahh, and I was going to buy you a nice Christmas Card an all...


as a measurement of their integrity.

No. As an example of accountability and responsibility as a publisher. The truth and accuracy of the stories were not discussed, which is more what I presume your measure of integrity was based on if you were to use The Sport as an example. You had the opportunity to clarify that but instead chopped up my quotes and put the word "integrity" in the middle [/ironic]


"All of this is a far cry from someone who anonymously scrawls some hearsay on a brick wall and then runs away giggling like a schoolgirl."

I stand by that. I would still liken Manxman.com to graffiti on a 'bog' wall more readily than I would a copy of The Times, or an issue of the Sport for that matter.


Ok, let's say you man is a journalist, and dart players are athletes. Amen.

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No wonder it took you ages to put that together. I must have been waiting here for at least 15 minutes!


I used the Sunday Sport as an example that more than demonstrates that journalists can be little better than local gossips. They, like me, care nothing for "accountability and responsibility as a publisher". Now you can claim until you are blue in the finger-tips that "The truth and accuracy of the stories were not discussed" and I would pay it scant attention and care even less. Like I said "At the end of the day my measure of integrity is only really relevant to, well, me actually".


You can "liken Manxman.com to graffiti on a 'bog' wall" all you like" (and by the way that comes across really strongly, you didn't have to actually state it) and I can take a different view to that and also my idea of integrity.


But it won't make either points of view correct.


By the way, did you know that as yet there has been no proof whatsoever that the stuff Roly posted on the site is incorrect? However I can tell you that there is no WW2 bomber on the moon. I just thought I would mention that.

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No wonder it took you ages to put that together. I must have been waiting here for at least 15 minutes!

Glad to have kept you on the edge of your seat.

I used the Sunday Sport as an example that more than demonstrates that journalists can be little better than local gossips.

I hear what you’re saying, (at last, you might say) but to be honest, would any of this stop Roly landing up in court? Probably not.

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Roly himself is quoted in the Examiner (so it must be true!) as saying that he had 'never pretended to be exhaustively rigorous' before putting stuff on his website.


Excuse me - does this coincide with recollections of the site as setting itself up as the sole Manx beacon of truth, transparency and indeed honesty in a sea of government sewerage, fatcat arrogance and voter ignorance?


My belief is that in his complete arrogance Roly played straight into the hands of people who eat his kind as a snack and dont even spit out the bones. I find it very hard indeed to find a shred of sympathy for someone who played with fire and is now squeaking that he's been burnt. well, derrrrr.

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By the way, did you know that as yet there has been no proof whatsoever that the stuff Roly posted on the site is incorrect?

What proof is there that it was correct?

Well, none whatsoever. Roly has yet to state his case. For someone who loves to criticise I would have thought you would have kept abreast of these developements. Come on ans, surely you can do better than this?

No wonder it took you ages to put that together. I must have been waiting here for at least 15 minutes!

Glad to have kept you on the edge of your seat.

I used the Sunday Sport as an example that more than demonstrates that journalists can be little better than local gossips.

I hear what you’re saying, (at last, you might say) but to be honest, would any of this stop Roly landing up in court? Probably not.

Very very fair, and to your credit. I doubt if anyone could have predicted that an individual worth £650 million could be so vindictive. It is particularly ironic that the individual worth £650 million does not realise that even if he wins he will still be pilloried as being the person who used a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Totally unjustified so it looks like a spiteful child in action.

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So the judicial outcome of this case could be that Roly is bankrupted by the contempt charge, then Burns drops the libel case.


Which would mean that there was no need to force Roly to reveal his sources and therefore the raid, the gagging order and the contempt finding were for nothing. Other than to punish Roly?

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For someone who loves to criticise I would have thought you would have kept abreast of these developements. Come on ans, surely you can do better than this?


You appear to have mistaken me for someone who takes an interest in local news :)

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Overheard at last Friday's trial,


(One politican to another)


"Maybe Roly'll be sharing a cell with the Chief Minister"


(For the avoidance of doubt, the above was said tongue in cheek and in friendly jest)





If our man had gone to prison I wanted to go up Victoria Road and shout at the top of my voice


"Welease Woly"

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