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Mlc Rebukes Senior Civil Servant

Albert Tatlock

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From MR: "Eddie Lowey has criticised Director of Highways Bruce Hannay for comments he made on Manx Radio, after a proposed road scheme at Governor's Bridge was withdrawn."


"Mr Lowey says it's not Mr Hannay's place to comment on the decisions of politicians. He says civil servants should remember their job is carry out the wishes of parliament."


There are too many civil servants on the island that think things should be the other way around. I'd like to hear more politicians (all preferably elected by the voters) asserting their authority in this way.


It seems these days, that the best way of making things happen in government is to forget joining lobby-groups and join the civil service instead. These people should be reminded that this power is reserved for those elected, and any other approach is a deliberate undermining of democracy.

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Hoooray! Maybe I should mention my problem to him.....civil servants make me most cross & Mr Hannay did nothing when I made a complaint about one of his underlings.


I have no parking disc for out side of my house, why? because the parking permit woman wouldnt believe that I was married without seeing my wedding certificate - I have changed my driving license, my car thingio (the yellow book) and the registry will no doubt have a copy of the certificate so why does this little tin pot god need to see the cert? can she not make an internal phone call to registries and check? I complained to that Mr Hannay but he didn't reply and my name remained unchanged on the renewal - Im not a huge fan of civil servants, generally people who cannot think for themselves, monkey see, monkey do, monkey follow rule book (except for ISD ofc & the passport office & Workpermits - they are most helpful). I will goto prison before I pay a parking fine for parking outside my house but, fortunately I havent had one yet but, the time will come & I am so petty you wouldnt believe it. I'm off to phone injury lawyers 4 U, I think I'm suffering mental torture, I might start having panic attacks when I see traffic wardens outside my house and all because the woman in the parking permit office would not take my word that I was married - I mean for heavens sake, how many people lie about being married when getting a parking permit for the same house they have been living in, with the same man for 7 bleeding years? Quick pass me the smelling salts, its all gone dark.

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To be fair to the DoT member of staff , she's probably just adhering to the Data Protection Act which is ingrained in most companies/orgs now who have to deal with customers' personal details.


I have to be conscious of this in my job and you wouldn't believe what people try to get away with, hence proof required.

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Every time I go the dot at the sea terminal I leave amazed at the "computer says no" philosophy, which doesn't provide much of a service to civilians.


Apparently the permits office is besieged by people claiming permits at their parents'/friends' addresses so that they can park in central Douglas for nowt. They get quite anal about the documentation, but it's to stop the abuse of the permits system (partially by civil servants looking for a cheap way to park).

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Hoooray! Maybe I should mention my problem to him.....civil servants make me most cross & Mr Hannay did nothing when I made a complaint about one of his underlings.


I have no parking disc for out side of my house, why? because the parking permit woman wouldnt believe that I was married without seeing my wedding certificate - I have changed my driving license, my car thingio (the yellow book) and the registry will no doubt have a copy of the certificate so why does this little tin pot god need to see the cert? can she not make an internal phone call to registries and check? I complained to that Mr Hannay but he didn't reply and my name remained unchanged on the renewal - Im not a huge fan of civil servants, generally people who cannot think for themselves, monkey see, monkey do, monkey follow rule book (except for ISD ofc & the passport office & Workpermits - they are most helpful). I will goto prison before I pay a parking fine for parking outside my house but, fortunately I havent had one yet but, the time will come & I am so petty you wouldnt believe it. I'm off to phone injury lawyers 4 U, I think I'm suffering mental torture, I might start having panic attacks when I see traffic wardens outside my house and all because the woman in the parking permit office would not take my word that I was married - I mean for heavens sake, how many people lie about being married when getting a parking permit for the same house they have been living in, with the same man for 7 bleeding years? Quick pass me the smelling salts, its all gone dark.


My car is not married it's got one . By the way disc parking was passed by M.L.C 's Not Mr Hannay.

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Hoooray! Maybe I should mention my problem to him.....civil servants make me most cross & Mr Hannay did nothing when I made a complaint about one of his underlings.


I have no parking disc for out side of my house, why? because the parking permit woman wouldnt believe that I was married without seeing my wedding certificate - I have changed my driving license, my car thingio (the yellow book) and the registry will no doubt have a copy of the certificate so why does this little tin pot god need to see the cert? can she not make an internal phone call to registries and check? I complained to that Mr Hannay but he didn't reply and my name remained unchanged on the renewal - Im not a huge fan of civil servants, generally people who cannot think for themselves, monkey see, monkey do, monkey follow rule book (except for ISD ofc & the passport office & Workpermits - they are most helpful). I will goto prison before I pay a parking fine for parking outside my house but, fortunately I havent had one yet but, the time will come & I am so petty you wouldnt believe it. I'm off to phone injury lawyers 4 U, I think I'm suffering mental torture, I might start having panic attacks when I see traffic wardens outside my house and all because the woman in the parking permit office would not take my word that I was married - I mean for heavens sake, how many people lie about being married when getting a parking permit for the same house they have been living in, with the same man for 7 bleeding years? Quick pass me the smelling salts, its all gone dark.


Agree wholeheartidly, I sold my car earlier this year and for 3 months used a car lent to me. To be able to use it I had to insure it, so got a cover note so that I was legal. Next thing was take my existing parking permit to the Sea Terminal and Swap it, easy don't you think?


Quite the opposite, even though I was handing in the permit for the old car, the woman would only give me a temporary parking permit because the log book wasn't in my name and because the car was on a cover note, 1 month later, took the Insurance Certificate down and they would still only give me a temporary permit. The reason this time being because that it was to stop people from outside the area parking in a zoned area????!!! Bear in mind that I returned the Parking Permit for my old car.


All told the only way I could get a proper parking permit was when I eventually bought my own car! talk about Jobsworth!!


I wrote to the DoT 2 years ago and followed it up with a phone call, no response, no acknowledgement, no nothing. So hearing Mr Hannay getting a slapping brought a grin to my face :lol:

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Every time I go the dot at the sea terminal I leave amazed at the "computer says no" philosophy, which doesn't provide much of a service to civilians.


Apparently the permits office is besieged by people claiming permits at their parents'/friends' addresses so that they can park in central Douglas for nowt. They get quite anal about the documentation, but it's to stop the abuse of the permits system (partially by civil servants looking for a cheap way to park).


I understand that. But when my last car got scrapped I had to borrow my Dad's car for about a month, and they simply refused to give me parking permit because I didn't own the car. They knew I lived there, they knew my car was scrapped, I returned the permit assigned to my scrapped car, but they still wouldn't help me out because the computer said no.


Mind you, that was after an argument I had with them about my scrapped car. They wouldn't refund the tax on it unless I provided them with the tax disc and log book (even though their computer showed it as bieng scrapped). I had the tax disc, but I didn't have the log book as it was in the car when it got scrapped. They said that without the log book on their file they couldn't be sure that someone wasn't driving the car (even though their computer showed it as bieng scrapped). So I had to buy a new log book from them, and then literally hand it straight back over the counter so that they could file it and refund my tax. A nice little money making scam.

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