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Mlc Rebukes Senior Civil Servant

Albert Tatlock

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Hoooray! Maybe I should mention my problem to him.....civil servants make me most cross & Mr Hannay did nothing when I made a complaint about one of his underlings.


I have no parking disc for out side of my house, why? because the parking permit woman wouldnt believe that I was married without seeing my wedding certificate - I have changed my driving license, my car thingio (the yellow book) and the registry will no doubt have a copy of the certificate so why does this little tin pot god need to see the cert? can she not make an internal phone call to registries and check? I complained to that Mr Hannay but he didn't reply and my name remained unchanged on the renewal - Im not a huge fan of civil servants, generally people who cannot think for themselves, monkey see, monkey do, monkey follow rule book (except for ISD ofc & the passport office & Workpermits - they are most helpful). I will goto prison before I pay a parking fine for parking outside my house but, fortunately I havent had one yet but, the time will come & I am so petty you wouldnt believe it. I'm off to phone injury lawyers 4 U, I think I'm suffering mental torture, I might start having panic attacks when I see traffic wardens outside my house and all because the woman in the parking permit office would not take my word that I was married - I mean for heavens sake, how many people lie about being married when getting a parking permit for the same house they have been living in, with the same man for 7 bleeding years? Quick pass me the smelling salts, its all gone dark.


Agree wholeheartidly, I sold my car earlier this year and for 3 months used a car lent to me. To be able to use it I had to insure it, so got a cover note so that I was legal. Next thing was take my existing parking permit to the Sea Terminal and Swap it, easy don't you think?


Quite the opposite, even though I was handing in the permit for the old car, the woman would only give me a temporary parking permit because the log book wasn't in my name and because the car was on a cover note, 1 month later, took the Insurance Certificate down and they would still only give me a temporary permit. The reason this time being because that it was to stop people from outside the area parking in a zoned area????!!! Bear in mind that I returned the Parking Permit for my old car.


All told the only way I could get a proper parking permit was when I eventually bought my own car! talk about Jobsworth!!


I wrote to the DoT 2 years ago and followed it up with a phone call, no response, no acknowledgement, no nothing. So hearing Mr Hannay getting a slapping brought a grin to my face :lol:

Why not keep the old one .

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...the woman would only give me a temporary parking permit because the log book wasn't in my name...


I didn't even get that. Mind you, I was probably rude to them...


Why not keep the old one .


Parking permit has the registration number.

Yes if it's your car.

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The Island is not alone in this - I split my time between Peel and South of England with cars in both places - as we were planning some extensive milage in France I thought it better to swop the UK and manx registered cars for the summer as the Peel one had lower mileageand air-conditioning (not working as it turned out) - getting a parking permit was impossible unless I de-manxified it even though I could prove I was the owner and that I owned both the local and the Peel properties.

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Well, there's not much point in displaying a parking permit which shows your old vehicle's reg on a new vehicle with a different reg. If the reg's don't match the traffic warden dishes out a ticket.



pay the £76 or whatever it is now and transfer the reg?

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I have dealt with Bruce Hannay on a number of occasions, I also have first hand accounts of other persons dealings with him on a professional level


I general I have found him arrogant, inflexible and unwilling to listen to reason


IMO all senior civil servants should be on three year contracts subject to renewal by a committee of our elected representatives, that way someone like Mr Hannay who has come in for a barrage of criticism would be out on his ear

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The passport office are most helpful, the VAT office are reasonable, tax helpful, I consider their roles far more serious and important than silly zone parking - as usual its the ordinary people who suffer, I know of a few people who have permits for 'other peoples' zone parks, so it isn't working but it is causing a nuiscance for the people who just want to park outside their own home. 'computer says no' that, is rather hillarious she even looks like her/him lol even more.

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So many of you seem to have a problem with the parking permits proceedure.


Instead of moaning about it on a forum and complaining to the DOT, why don't you, oh, I don't know, maybe try complaining to your MHK seeing as they are the people who are supposed to be in charge of Government!!


Ever think the poor people dealing with your permits and complaints are just going through the motions already set out that they have to follow?? As Mr Lowey said, Civil Servants are just supposed to do the work, the politicians make the decisions!!


It's just a suggestion.


And no, I don't work for the DOT!!

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So many of you seem to have a problem with the parking permits proceedure.


Instead of moaning about it on a forum and complaining to the DOT, why don't you, oh, I don't know, maybe try complaining to your MHK seeing as they are the people who are supposed to be in charge of Government!!


Ever think the poor people dealing with your permits and complaints are just going through the motions already set out that they have to follow?? As Mr Lowey said, Civil Servants are just supposed to do the work, the politicians make the decisions!!


It's just a suggestion.


And no, I don't work for the DOT!!

Did, and all you get is the usual "we will look into it" response. My MHK's are less than useless only speaking up near election times.

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