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Steam Packet - Oft Petition


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My comments re the IOMSPCo relate to the change in timetable as I don't think it best serves the Island. But how about this for service?

Booked on the first flight off the Island to Gatwick, go there 1 hour before as they like you to do. Could get a seat, but couldn't check my baggage in because the baggage system wasn't switched on as it was before 06:00!


At 06:00 checked bags in then went upstairs to go through to the lounge only to be told that the security was not open until 06:15. Went to cafe for a coffee, but couldn't have one because it takes 30 mins for coffee machine to warm up, so decided to wait the 15 mins with no coffee and went through security where no one can tell me why we are one of the few places in Europe where you have to take as many articles of clothing as as you do!


Got undressed passed through security and then redressed and went for coffee, guess what, I couldn't have one because it takes 30 mins for the coffee machine to get going! Guy was apologetic and made me a filter coffee :-) then when I poured the milk the milk came out in lumps as the milk was not fresh and had been left out overnight. Eventually got my coffee just as the plane started to board!!!!

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In the latest "a Word with Woodward" [http://www.steam-packet.com/SteamPacket/Book-Now/A-word-with-Woodward] Mr Woodward states...


"To reiterate, the changes made to the winter schedule were in order to provide a reliable winter service that customers can book and plan for with confidence. These benefits have been recognised by the DoTL, DoT and Travelwatch. I know they don’t benefit everybody, but we have to weigh up the needs of the majority of the travelling public."


I would be inconvenienced and frustrated if I believed this to be true. I'm angry because I don't believe it and in my opinion the Steam Packet are not being honest. If the Steam Packet stated words to the effect of 'previously, we couldn't load freight at the landing stage we used in Liverpool, so we had to send the freight boat to Heysham and the fast craft to Liverpool. Now, we can load freight in Birkenhead, so we only need one ferry and we can still demonstrate that we sail to Heysham and Liverpool. We know Birkenhead is inconvenient for people who want to go to Liverpool itself. We know that people can't do day trips to Liverpool or Heysham anymore but we are answerable to shareholders. We make enough money out of freight to not have to worry about passengers. The reality is, by only operating one boat, not two; we are making a substantial cost saving, which benefits our main stakeholder, our shareholders. Running two boats is more expensive than one. Obviously, if you don't like it, you could stay at home. We won’t miss you; you are less valuable than the freight that we carry.'


He goes on to say...


"I fully acknowledge that there are some areas we need to continue to improve in - and strive to improve. It is my intention to address these areas - and I hope people will acknowledge my willingness and determination to do this. It does take time though, and changes will not happen overnight. Please bear with us and allow us to plan and implement service improvements."


Please bear with us? Do we have any choice what so ever?


If the Steam Packet wasn't a monopoly, we would have more choice. Currently we can fly, stay at home or 'bear with them'. My work involves regular visits to the UK and, where possible I travel by boat because I’m not keen on flying. I also do many day trips to Heysham for leisure. I will be going this weekend for what would have been a day trip. I will now have to travel on Friday evening and come back on Sunday. Twice the cost, plus accommodation and the whole weekend gone. An improved service? I of course appreciate that this isn't my own private ferry service. As I stated at the start of this post, if these changes had come in with an honest comment of 'we can make more money this way' I would have been frustrated but at least accept it. But to be inconvenienced and patronised, that is annoying. This weekend will possibly be my last ‘leisure’ trip until the spring because I can’t afford the increased costs, both financial and time. Perhaps, if the Steam Packet really cared, they could introduce a ‘weekend fare’ for the price of the old ‘day trip’ fare, until they re-introduced day trips? Any sailing from Friday evening, returning on, or before the 2am boat Monday for the same price as a day trip? Hmm, the numbers are so low anyway, it wouldn’t cost them much and it might actually show they are giving something back to their customers? Sharing some of their saving? You never know, they may even get some people using the freight boat? Instead, I am seriously thinking that I will start flying for business as well and just get used to it. I can fly to Liverpool and rent a car for about the same as it costs , indeed often less, than to take my car on the ferry. And I won’t be left feeling patronised.


I’m writing this here, because I know the Steam Packet are watching it. I won’t be writing a letter of complaint to them or the government because I don’t believe that either group care about anything other than the money.

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What the Steam Packet really needs is to get Geoff Corkish back.


He of course has a great way with words and is very charismatic. He would be able to tell us what a wonderful job the Steam Packet is really doing. You never felt patronised with Geoff, you were left feeling just really, really thankful we had a Steam Packet Company in the first place, no matter what the cause was for him to be spokesman on Manx Radio for them yet again.


A good post from Keith by the way.

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What the Steam Packet really needs is to get Geoff Corkish back.


He of course has a great way with words and is very charismatic. He would be able to tell us what a wonderful job the Steam Packet is really doing. You never felt patronised with Geoff, you were left feeling just really, really thankful we had a Steam Packet Company in the first place, no matter what the cause was for him to be spokesman on Manx Radio for them yet again.

Geoff who?


Other than something about 'too many R-Platers breaking speed limits', happy to be corrected, but I've not seen much from him yet. Still, with one year gone and four years to go to the next election I suppose there's plenty of time for him to undertake his manifesto pledges.


It would be interesting to see an 'election manifesto' thread in a year or so, comparing all the manifestos and what was said, to what has actually been done or attempted.

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The "monopoly" held by The Steam Packet is clearly no longer in the best interest of the Island - The Liverpool route has long been neglected and the day trips was just a further example of the Steam Packets interest.


Steam Packet's fleet has been run down and the seacat service has not been reliable enough, both with craft up keep and winter use.


Time may be right for someone to be offered the Liverpool route if Steam Packet do not want to take it serious and perhaps Dublin, leaving Heysham and Belfast to the Steam Packet.


Good to see that 1551 have now signed the petition.



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I am sorry but I do not want my taxes to subsidise the operations! This is a selfish point of view but the current level of service I have no problem with. Two return trips to Hesham most days and one to Liverpool at the weekends. I can remember a much worse level of service than that.


Yes I would like it to be cheaper but £30.00 return as a foot passenger to Liverpool I think is not too bad, yes I would like a more frequent service etc etc but not for a state subsisdy.


If we subsidise the boat it is not the general public who will benefit but the multi nationals etc such as M & S who price over here exactlty the same as in the UK. If they get cheaper freight carriage the only thing that wil change are their costs and not their profits.


You could then apply exactly the same arguments to air travel and whilst I appreciate that their is competition it is not generally on the same routes. But if the Ferry gets subsidised why should not flights also especilally since in air passenger tax they actually a considerable revenue to the government.

I have to say as an ex-comeover I'm astonished at your post.


As was posted behind your statement, it's not one way traffic, the island loses a lot because of the cost and inconvenience of getting to the island, when it's far cheaper to drive or fly to the continent. Look how many hotels are left along the Douglas Prom, that will only continue to diminish, and cost and inconvenince is a major factor in that decline.


IMO, the Steam Packet should have been nationalised, and when I was living amongst you, I would have happily added a couple of pence of income tax just for the added convenience that you would hope would ensue. The "marooned" nature of living on the island is probably it's biggest negative point, along with the lack of choice for consumers, both points are directly related to the efficiency of the service provided by IOMSP.


Your arguement that the main beneficiary would be the likes of M&S is also laughable, if their costs are lowered, they will only be getting nearer to the costs of their equivalent off-island branches, these companies should be applauded for selling at the same price as their UK counterparts, despite their markedly higher costs to market incurred on the island (and it should be noted higher wages). But more importantly, if costs were lowered, guess what, more big chains will look to open in Douglas, which in turn would mean fewer shoppers shopping off island, which means more revenue staying in the local economy. It's all win win, except for those who find 10p in the £ and £8000 tax bands to be an exorbitant rate of taxation.

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Fantastic photo on the manx radio article there!
I like the way Amadeus appears to be winking at the camera. Going a bit thin on top there too mate :lol:

Grrr..I've heard that, both of you!

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My posting was taken to an exagerated extreme point of view as I think the most we will ever get is an extra couple of sailing to Liverpool at a weekend and very possibly mid week say. That is probably quite costly to do, I do not know but it would require another boat and another full time crew as I presume you can not just employ on a daily basis. If any subsidy covers just that then fine and it would have little benefit to the chains as they do not use the boats but the airlines and airline users who already pay a hefty passenger tax which is not levied on the boats would be up in arms.


An increased subsidy on this would probably only benefit current retailers by reducing costs. Some are local but many are not. Those that are not already charge std UK prices, and they deserve credit for this, so any subsidy is just going striaght to the shareholders pockets.


An increased level again and yes you might attract more shops etc over but if it is cheap and easy to get off the rock then many would. OK it was an exageration but I do not like the idea of a few thousand going off the Island everyweek to spend their money in shops, bars & restaurants in the UK rather than spend on similar items in the IoM. Presently I know many who get off the rock frequently at weekends, normally by flying, and very cheap and convenient ferries will only add to that number. OK it will not be in the tens of thousands but it could still have a noteable effect on the economy.


In all this there is a balance and if we get the balance wrong my fear is that if costs are greatly lowered and service levels improved then we will have an increased exedus at weekends, leading to a lack of IoM spend and it will not be offset by trafic in the other direction


As was posted behind your statement, it's not one way traffic, the island loses a lot because of the cost and inconvenience of getting to the island, when it's far cheaper to drive or fly to the continent. Look how many hotels are left along the Douglas Prom, that will only continue to diminish, and cost and inconvenince is a major factor in that decline.


IMO, the Steam Packet should have been nationalised, and when I was living amongst you, I would have happily added a couple of pence of income tax just for the added convenience that you would hope would ensue. The "marooned" nature of living on the island is probably it's biggest negative point, along with the lack of choice for consumers, both points are directly related to the efficiency of the service provided by IOMSP.


Your arguement that the main beneficiary would be the likes of M&S is also laughable, if their costs are lowered, they will only be getting nearer to the costs of their equivalent off-island branches, these companies should be applauded for selling at the same price as their UK counterparts, despite their markedly higher costs to market incurred on the island (and it should be noted higher wages). But more importantly, if costs were lowered, guess what, more big chains will look to open in Douglas, which in turn would mean fewer shoppers shopping off island, which means more revenue staying in the local economy. It's all win win, except for those who find 10p in the £ and £8000 tax bands to be an exorbitant rate of taxation.

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off to watch Morecambe v Port Vale on Saturday.


A nice day trip. Catch the morning sailing to Heysham. In the pub with my mates by 12:45pm. Down to the game. A few more beers and something to eat afterwards. Perhaps a few beers around Lancaster. "I luv you, you're my bestesh mate' type good bye's, then back to Heysham for the 02:15am sailing. Into sleeping bag, into alcohol induced sleep. Wake up as the engine pitch changes as we come into Douglas. Look sheepishly around as I roll up the sleeping bag, safe in the knowledge that I will have snored all the way across.


What could be simpler? And all for £20 return... Bargain!




Passage to Heysham on Friday after work. Arrive Friday 11:15pm. Off to sleep somewhere, probably a friends floor, in sleeping bag. Or a B&B.

Up Saturday, mooch around for a bit.

Go to pub.

Go to football. Morecambe v Port Vale, 1st round FA Cup, our first season as a Football League team!!! We've beated First Division Port Vale once this season already... But you don't care about that...

Off out for a few beers and hopefully celebrate a famous Morecambe victory!

Back to somewhere to sleep, probably the same mates floor or the same B&B.

Sunday morning, bit hung over. Probably a fry up. Mooch about a bit, then get going. Got to get to the Wirrel somehow. A bit far to walk, bit expensive for a taxi. Public transport on a Sunday?

About an hour and a half later, perhaps two hours, find my way to the far side of the Mersey.

Finally get home at about 6:15pm Sunday after about seven hours of travelling.


Pay double for the ferry fare, probably another £40 on B&B for two nights. So £80 plus whatever to get to Liverpool. Not much change out of £100. Thank you Steam Packet Company for your consideration in improving the service you offer to me. Don't be surprised if tomorrow is the last time we see each other for a while.

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