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Steam Packet - Oft Petition


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An increased level again and yes you might attract more shops etc over but if it is cheap and easy to get off the rock then many would. OK it was an exageration but I do not like the idea of a few thousand going off the Island everyweek to spend their money in shops, bars & restaurants in the UK rather than spend on similar items in the IoM. Presently I know many who get off the rock frequently at weekends, normally by flying, and very cheap and convenient ferries will only add to that number. OK it will not be in the tens of thousands but it could still have a noteable effect on the economy.


In all this there is a balance and if we get the balance wrong my fear is that if costs are greatly lowered and service levels improved then we will have an increased exedus at weekends, leading to a lack of IoM spend and it will not be offset by trafic in the other direction


Surely it's a persons choice what they do at the weekend, whether they want to leave the island or not?


And they should have access to user friendly, cost effective transport links, if they feel the need. I would imagine not everyone would be leaving the island on a spending spree, but maybe to visit family? You can't imprison residents on the island, just because it could be good for the economy!

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Now, I signed the petition near the start yet I come back now and someone has suggested that we shouldn't have a ferry link because people might shop "across". Did I read that right?! How Royston Vasey is that? Local shops for local people etc..


That's like the authorities in a village in the UK saying "Ooh arr, we've got to close the road, all those folks is escapin'"


It's bad enough that the port authorities search your vehicle to make sure you're not bringing in too much stuff without it being suggested that we can't make the trip at all! Just think about what you're saying for a minute.


This is an island of 80,000 people, all of whom at some point need to escape. Sorry, go to the mainland - be that to visit family, for medical reasons, for a holiday, to shop or even to see what's happening in the 21st century. All served by 1 lousy boat by a company that doesn't give a damn about the welfare of the island's residents. Compare the service we get to that of say, the Isle of Wight, it's a joke!


Just as well it's such a beautiful place.. :cool:

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Well, years ago there were no day trips during the winter. That is not to say that things were better then, they just didn't happen. I can understand, though, people wanting the ability to nip over to Liverpool for whatever reason, but I can see no pleasure in a sailing day trip with all the hours stuck on a boat (even a fast craft) for a few hours in Liverpool. If I wanted to nip over, I think I would prefer to stay overnight and make the whole thing a bit more leisurely.


However, I think this petition is great, not because it is demanding a particular service, but rather it is reminding everyone involved (Govt and the Steammie) that the Steam Packet service is more than a commercial operation, it is a vital link for the island and should serve the island not just the shareholders.

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Am i right thinking that the User agreement grants the steam packet priority use of the linkspans or rather one linkspan as there is now only one boat, and that the priority is not exclusive use? If another company wanted to start a passenger only weekend service to Liverpool or Ireland from Douglas or any other island port what would be the worst that could happen?


Does anyone have a 200 seat, (no car deck, no frieght deck) boat laying about that wants to earn a few extra quid at weekends?

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I totally agree and would not want to but there are certain advantages and certain disadvantages on living on the Isle of Man. I often think that people are happy to accept all the advantages but continually moan about any disadvantage.


My argument was taken to an extreme but to hear some people comment it is if they want to get off most weekends to shop or do other activities. Fine if they can afford to put up with the inconvenience then that is there choice. But would that leave the Island poorer with regard to shops and facilities,many may argue we are not particularly well served at present, so you get a viscous circle where those that do not choose to travel across for those services.


It is an extreme apocolypit argument but I put it in to try and make people think that cheap and easy travel might not be totally beneficial. It is a bit like the big supermarkets in the UK being accused of having a negative effect on town centres as the majority decamp to shop at the new supermarket on the edge of town so many shops etc in the town centre close etc etc.


Do I believe it will happen. No, but I hope that at least it is thought provoking as the majority I have read so far are concerns about the IoM steam packet hindering residents getting off the Island. There is therefore apparently a reasonable demand and I wonder what the effect might be if you took it to the extreme



Surely it's a persons choice what they do at the weekend, whether they want to leave the island or not?


And they should have access to user friendly, cost effective transport links, if they feel the need. I would imagine not everyone would be leaving the island on a spending spree, but maybe to visit family? You can't imprison residents on the island, just because it could be good for the economy!

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Original statement here



This is the bit that gets me:


‘I fully accept that they (the changes) don’t benefit everybody. However, they have been made as a result of the poor weather reliability last winter which was widely complained of to Government and which in turn has led to their support of the timetable changes.’


Er..ok, you get rid of the only boat that could handle the Irish sea in the winter and replace it with an aluminium can that's anything but reliable or suitable. Inevitably, you take it out of service as it's never gonna sail anyway and then sell that as a success and improvement in service - stunning :blink:

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Er..ok, you get rid of the only boat that could handle the Irish sea in the winter and replace it with an aluminium can that's anything but reliable or suitable. Inevitably, you take it out of service as it's never gonna sail anyway and then sell that as a success and improvement in service - stunning :blink:

Until you learn how to do things like that, you're never really going to make it as a politician! ;)

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