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Steam Packet - Oft Petition


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One comment I will make though, the Ben My Chree is the best freighter we have ever had.

well worth the £25 mil spent (should have been by the government though and chartered to the racket)


Couldn't the Steam Packet have just said 'No thanks' and bought its own vessel anyway?


Just been reading through TravelWatch's submission the Tynwald Select Committee. They weren't very complimentary about NorthLink's vessels :(

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The Petition is now closed


Final count: 2225


Big question: What next?

In an interview on TV, the OFT are clearly expecting it to land on their desk. With the petition calling on the Government and OFT to do something I would expect the best option would be to personally hand it in at the OFT, copying it to the Main Minister and copying in all MHKs.


Viel gluck.

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Which is exactly what has happened today.


The petition was handed over to Nick Black at the OFT this morning.


ManxRadio & Newspaper report, including crappy looking picture of me, should follow shortly.


Mailing to MHKs & Co being prepared as we speak.

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Which is exactly what has happened today.


The petition was handed over to Nick Black at the OFT this morning.


ManxRadio & Newspaper report, including crappy looking picture of me, should follow shortly.


Mailing to MHKs & Co being prepared as we speak.

Very well done - and a big 'thank you' to you!


Let's see what happens next.

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Very well done - and a big 'thank you' to you!


Let's see what happens next.


I have to admit my view is that absolutely nothing without a big Government hand out except a few cosmetic changes. If the SP is abiding by the user agreement and it would cost the SP to provide the changes the "public" want then the SP is not going going to incur those costs without some insentive.


Sorry for being so pessimistic and I hope I am wrong but I reiterate the thanks to Amadeus for trying this route as whislt we can all be negative, rip wholes in things or sit on our backsides at least he has stood up to be counted to try and make a difference

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Just read the other IOMSP thread about the Ben my Chree being damaged and out of action tonight.

I know this isn't a big deal but it is an example of how reliant we (all Manx residents) are on one boat.

I have got to agree that the Ben is very reliable and well maintained but accidents and wear & tear to happen.

With the present winter "service" we are stuffed if she is out for more than a couple of days.


I have been reliablly informed by the DoT that contracts are in place to bring another vessel in if the Ben is unable to sail but lets think about the logistics of this.

Assuming we are talking about a ro-ro freighter its unlikely to be sitting doing nothing in a north-west port so I assume it would take at least two or may be three days to get here and get operational. On that basis if the repair to the Ben would be less than a week would the IOMSP go to the bother of chartering ?? Can you imagine what the shops would be like with no deliveries for a week? Its bad enough if the boats are cancelled for a couple of days bad weather!!


As for passengers I assume the IOMSP could pull the Sea Cat out of dock and use that as back up, again it would take a day or two and wouldn't sail if the weather was anything other than perfect.

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ManxRadio & Newspaper report, including crappy looking picture of me, should follow shortly.



Meh - always the same...


Anyroads, after 2225 petition signatures, 17,379 thread views and 474 replies, it's time to unpin this thing for now. Feel free to resurrect at later date, depending on developments.


Copies of the petition will go to all MHKs shortly.


The petition will remain accessible under:




Not bad for one little post on a forum, or? :)

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Just read the other IOMSP thread about the Ben my Chree being damaged and out of action tonight.

I know this isn't a big deal but it is an example of how reliant we (all Manx residents) are on one boat.

I have got to agree that the Ben is very reliable and well maintained but accidents and wear & tear to happen.

With the present winter "service" we are stuffed if she is out for more than a couple of days.


I have been reliablly informed by the DoT that contracts are in place to bring another vessel in if the Ben is unable to sail but lets think about the logistics of this.

Assuming we are talking about a ro-ro freighter its unlikely to be sitting doing nothing in a north-west port so I assume it would take at least two or may be three days to get here and get operational. On that basis if the repair to the Ben would be less than a week would the IOMSP go to the bother of chartering ?? Can you imagine what the shops would be like with no deliveries for a week? Its bad enough if the boats are cancelled for a couple of days bad weather!!


As for passengers I assume the IOMSP could pull the Sea Cat out of dock and use that as back up, again it would take a day or two and wouldn't sail if the weather was anything other than perfect.


Whilst I agree this is a major concern, since the Island has only one freight ship at all times then this is really nothing to do with the winter service.


Actually, far from this being something to beat the Steam Packet with, I feel it reflects far more on us as an Island community. Does it make more sense for the Steam Packet to have a second freight ship as back-up or for us to be less reliant on imports? Obviously there are many things we can not produce ourselves, but there are many ways in which we can become less reliant on day to day imports. For example, Boots recieves at least a pallet of nappies everyday in order to keep its shelves stocked with them. If a lot more people used washable ones, then this would not be such a concern. Same with all the people who cram into M&S for their lunch or get ready meals from Tesco for dinner.


Ultimately we need imports to function, but we are much more reliant than we need to be on them. I agree that we would suffer right now if we went without the freight for a week, but maybe we, as an Island, should be much more prepared for such an eventuality?

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Triskelion, there are some things we can't produce ourselves (as you rightly said). I work in a tiny store, with only a few members of staff working each day, deliveries are bad enough whilst regular with no space out the back to put the cages we get. With this SINGLE boat cancellation we are going to have a "rollover" delivery with probably around 10 cages of stock coming in with the next delivery. I'd imagine this is the case for most small shops. There couldn't be a worse time for this to happen, with it being nearly chrimbo and everyone stocking up on alcohol and snacks and the like.


I wouldn't want to imagine what it would be like if the boat did get canceled for a couple of days..

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New game for Xmas it's called Tic Toc?


(To the tune of Ellan Vannin)


At 1am in Douglas bay ,'Mark Wood-ward 'was heard to say !


On contract says deliver the mail,But we've got no boats,so we can't sail!


Oh Superseacat of the Isle of Man company, Oh Superseacat, not fit for the Irish sea!


It's stuck in the dock in Liver-pool Bay, it'll still be there ,come sat-ur-day!


Oh Superseacat with diesel in the tank ,Oh Superseascat your'e not worth a :lol:

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