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Steam Packet - Oft Petition


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767 names now.

I know it doesn't mean anything but David Anderson MHK (Minister for Transport and "Content" with IOMSP Timetable) was elected to the House of Keys with only 760 votes.


767 is 0.95% of our census population ( 1.9% of working population)

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I had to think long and hard about signing the petition because, to be honest, I don't honestly believe that we have any right to expect more than two sailings in each direction per day during the Winter months.

There have been times in the not-so-distant past when a single sailing per day was the norm at this time of year.

I imagine that its cargo - rather than passengers - that makes the journeys economically viable.

So why did I sign?

Well, the phrases service in general and we are disappointed about the performance of the "Island's Lifeline" in recent times rang true.

I have used the 'service' on no fewer than 12 occasions this year - and I've also used ferry services in other places.

By comparison with the others, the Steam Packet is very poor and really does need to improve its performance considerably.

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Hi Lonan3, I think you have hit the nail on the head. Its not just about the loss of the day trips to Liverpool or Sea cat services. It all about the general lack of interest in giving passengers the service they pay for.


I have read that 60% of the Company's turn over is freight, and also under the user agreement they can stop overnight services if they can prove that passengers don't use them.

Since the company is now owned by investment bankers you can clearly see that passenger traffic is an inconvenience to them.

Why bother putting up with cars and people (always complaining) when you can make more money on freight?


Don't be misled, the dropping of services to Liverpool is just the thin end of the wedge.

Our politicians need to act now !

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Over 850 + people have now signed but don't worry, Mark Woodward (CEO of IOMSP) as everything in hand...

this is from the latest entry in his blog on their website:


Thanks to Jenny who often gives us useful feedback. She traveled in the Blue Riband recently (on a choppy crossing) and asked the following:

‘Can bolts please be put on the cupboard doors, so that these do not fly open and bang shut whenever the ship has a rough crossing.

‘Biscuits? Again? Perhaps the substitution of cream crackers is just an aberration, but if cream crackers are to feature regularly (in addition to biscuits I hope!), perhaps small portions of cheese could be considered as a further addition to the range, for those who like a savoury snack’.

Both things have been addressed onboard now Jenny and thanks for letting us know.


Complaints left, right and centre but Cheese is now on the menu for Blue Riband passengers - that takes the biscuit!!!

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"There have been times in the not-so-distant past when a single sailing per day was the norm at this time of year. "


Was there ever a time when the boat travelled to Ireland in the winter? It doesn't seem right to me. Ok, so it might once or twice, surely a regular service to Ireland would be good? Must be a fair few people with family over there

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There was often boats to Ireland during the end of October Irish holidays and at Christmas/New Year but no regular weekly service to my knowledge.


I just spoke to my MHK. They appear to be oblivious to the concerns being expressed by their electorate. She tells me they aren't happy with the IOMSP. I said thats not the way it appears in the press.


Everyone who is concerned about the IOMSP service should call their MHK

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Is there a letter I can send supporting the IOMSPC for their decision. Why is it so called Manx people can not do their shopping using local shops? While so called do gooders sail off the island and import so called bargains the Manx economy goes down the pan. Shops in town centres such as Ramsey, Peel and Port St.Mary are becoming a shopping wasteland while Liverpool and Manchester profit from our stupidity. For every pound spent on the island the island economy makes use of it seven times spend it off the island and we get sod all.


Lets hope the airlines put up the air fares soon

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I agree and if they do not like it don't they know there is a boat in the morning yessir, or possibly not!

Is there a letter I can send supporting the IOMSPC for their decision. Why is it so called Manx people can not do their shopping using local shops? While so called do gooders sail off the island and import so called bargains the Manx economy goes down the pan. Shops in town centres such as Ramsey, Peel and Port St.Mary are becoming a shopping wasteland while Liverpool and Manchester profit from our stupidity. For every pound spent on the island the island economy makes use of it seven times spend it off the island and we get sod all.


Lets hope the airlines put up the air fares soon

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Is there a letter I can send supporting the IOMSPC for their decision. Why is it so called Manx people can not do their shopping using local shops? While so called do gooders sail off the island and import so called bargains the Manx economy goes down the pan. Shops in town centres such as Ramsey, Peel and Port St.Mary are becoming a shopping wasteland while Liverpool and Manchester profit from our stupidity. For every pound spent on the island the island economy makes use of it seven times spend it off the island and we get sod all.


Lets hope the airlines put up the air fares soon


I wouldn't worry too much, your economy will gain in June 2008 when all the prices get hiked up on the island for TT :P

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