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Heather Mills Mc Scary


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Well I dont care what anyone says, Im 100 % behind heather Mills!


The way she was dragged thru the courts with alsots of discusting lies said about her was discusting!!!!

She defended herself in court against paul macartneys advocates who were nothing but liars! In fact they were criminals within the law! :angry:


And I think the actuall money amounts involved is totally irrelevant! Its the principal that counts!


A big well done 2 heather 4 taking on our corrupt legal system + winning! :)


Take a bow!

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Well I dont care what anyone says, Im 100 % behind heather Mills!


The way she was dragged thru the courts with alsots of discusting lies said about her was discusting!!!!

She defended herself in court against paul macartneys advocates who were nothing but liars! In fact they were criminals within the law! :angry:


And I think the actuall money amounts involved is totally irrelevant! Its the principal that counts!


A big well done 2 heather 4 taking on our corrupt legal system + winning! :)


Take a bow!

Are you mad?

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Depends on your defintion of "mad" If u mean do I live and abide by the mad rules + regulations of our society which most people seem 2 insanley conform 2 and obey, then no im not mad, im mearly slightly insane!


But I dont think any amount of money can compensate for the suffering that this woman has endured via lie after lie in the newspapers ect

--- the spoken word can hurt u but the printed word can kill ya!---


These maga rich "super stars" (I happen 2 think his music is crap!) think they buy + lie there way outa anything, well on this occassion they couldent! :)

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These maga rich "super stars" (I happen 2 think his music is crap!) think they buy + lie there way outa anything, well on this occassion they couldent!


Aye, and then there are those who think they can marry these mega rich "super stars" just to pick up some serious cash when they plan to divorce them a couple of years later.


I'm sure Heather cries herself to sleep.... all that money... for charity - hah-hah.

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I think quite alot of people marry just because there partner has quite a lot of money, its a fact of life, so Im not sure theres a case 2 be answered here!

I might myself be open 2 the possibility of marrying someone who had lotsa money!

Unfortunalty tho money is oftern not quite enough 2 keep the marriage alive, the fun can soon be lost, the marraige falls apart + divorce looms!

These things happen in life.


She was legally entitlled 2 a fair divorse setllement, this was wrongly denied, she spoke out and stood up alone AGAINST THE WHOLE CORRUPT LEGAL SYSTEM in order 2 get some justice + truth, which she eventually partially got, its as simple as that!!!!


Weather or not she marryed in order 2 get at his millions is quite Irrelevant in comparison 2 the way she was mis-treated by everyone.

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I think quite alot of people marry just because there partner has quite a lot of money, its a fact of life, so Im not sure theres a case 2 be answered here!

I might myself be open 2 the possibility of marrying someone who had lotsa money!

Unfortunalty tho money is oftern not quite enough 2 keep the marriage alive, the fun can soon be lost, the marraige falls apart + divorce looms!

These things happen in life.


Not in my life, and not in the lives of properly married couples.


A true marriage (covenant to love and support your husband/wife always) is not founded on money.


An imitation marriage (where no real covenant exists) may be founded on other things... fame, wealth...


If Heather Mills married for money, then in my opinion, she doesn't deserve a penny.

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A man with a speech impediment taking the piss out of a one legged woman.

Almost surreal

still a couple of beermats under her left leg will sort that"

Surely thats sawt isn't it?

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Not at all declan, the court gave judgement in her favour, therefore she won!!!


Yes i agrea DJDan the basis of marrage should indeed be love however some people do marry another 4 anothers wealth (I dunno how many times Ive said that now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


I do have some experience of relationship breakdowns tho!!! my previous girlfriend totally hated me!!! :( but happily the girlfriend im sorta with now actually likes me!!! In fact she tells me that she loves me !!!!! :)


But the whole macca v mucca has been a totally fucked up affair im afraid !!! :angry:

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I do have some experience of relationship breakdowns tho!!! my previous girlfriend totally hated me!!! :( but happily the girlfriend im sorta with now actually likes me!!! In fact she tells me that she loves me !!!!! :)


woah... be careful now. You're living dangerously!!!! :P

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Not at all declan, the court gave judgement in her favour, therefore she won!!!


The court did not give judgement in her favour, it was the final hearing in a divorce dealing with the financial settlement, without which they would not have got the decree absolute. She wanted £125m but the court agreed with him and so her settlement £25m; she would have got something as there has to be a financial settlement in a divorce as well as agreement on the other aspects, such incidentals as arrangements for the children of the marriage etc. Interpreting that as the court finding in her favour is a bit like saying Germany was a close runner-up in World War II.


This case is not a triumph of the little man over the machine; but it is a good example of someone estimating their own worth a little too highly (e.g. that she contributed and supported Macca in accruing much of his wealth - eh? wasn't he a songwriting member of a couple of popular combos long before he had ever set eyes on her?).


I rest on my previous reply to you.

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