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Heather Mills Mc Scary


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I could quite easily ask YOU the same question are YOU completly mad gladys,?


But when I say she won, I do of course refer specifically 2 her moral victory rather than an actuall legal victory!

I have 2 enlighten further in that a court victory means nothing, court hearings themselves are corrupt so coruption is the result, so court verdicts are of no real value whatsoever in many instances!!!!!!

Its quite alarming 2 realise that high court judges who are laden with grugdes are making all sorts of incompetant decisions!!!

So weather the court did or did not find in her favour, is actually totally Irrelevant!

Morally she won as she was in the right, he was in the wrong!


I dont believe im actually "on the rant" im just posting a post which posts my point of view!

But I am quite serious here ! being dragged thru the courts + listening 2 all kinds of vile and vulgar accusations which are complete lies IS A VERY SERIOUS MATTER!!! :angry:


Im not usally wrong but I am wrong some of the time, course I am, but no one yet has ever proved me wrong on this forum!!! LOL :) dispite frequent attempts!

The only person ever 2 come close was a beautifull unicorn!!! :)

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A unicorn is a wild yet kind loving spiritual being, whose purpose in life is help and heal others! - It is said only those with a pure heart could ever possibly tame a unicorn!!!

Im not quite sure declan that u could be quite discribed as a unicorn!

And anyways you, amongst others (your not alone!) have never proved me wrong on these forums dispite newmerous atempts!

Well ok you did have me in tears a few times due 2 some horrible remarks said about me - but overall Ive repeatedly proved YOU wrong time after time LOL :) the pleasure and privalidge has been all mine, it really has LOL :)

One instance springs 2 mind were I was repeatedly acussed of being racisist by calling black people "niggers" when I never ever did, I did of course, mearly reffer 2 the fact that a black slave was reffered 2 as a "nigger" in the novel huckel berry finn!! well he was!

back on topic

Just 2 mention an observation about heather mills, she did in effect become a "REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE" and these rebels who refuse 2 "stand in line" should be protected and cared for !!! :)

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Steven there's no need to drag up ancient threads that aren't on-line any more I prove you wrong in this thread! And you admit as much -


Steven -"She was legally entitlled 2 a fair divorse setllement, this was wrongly denied, she spoke out and stood up alone AGAINST THE WHOLE CORRUPT LEGAL SYSTEM in order 2 get some justice + truth, which she eventually partially got, its as simple as that!!!!"


Declan - "she did not win, she got pretty much what Macca offered her in the first place."


Steven - "But when I say she won, I do of course refer specifically 2 her moral victory rather than an actuall legal victory! "


(Oh and you used Huckleberry Finn to justify using the word "nigger" only after you'd used it in another context.)

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Im refusing 2 take part in this kinda nonsence declan! U seem 2 take exstreme objection 2 being in the wrong! :angry:


I come onto public forums just 2 make some brilliant helpfull posts and give people a little bit of pleasure in reading what I post - thats it!!!!!!!


Yes i did say I reffer specifically 2 her moral win rather than her legal win, meaning just that, (that post reffered 2 her moral win) but she did in effect win morally AND leagally "in part" which is what I said!

Your trying 2 mis-quote and mis-interpret what im saying!


I may of used the word nigger in a different context before reffering 2 the huck finn novel BUT NOT 2 JUSTIFY MY MISUSE OF THE WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was accused of using it in a racist manner when I never!!! :angry:

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Im refusing 2 take part in this kinda nonsence declan!


But then you do.


At least you didn't challenge me to a fight.



I'll fight ye yer fuckin pansey, c'mon out in the car park now


Ham baps, I'll flog ya for ham baps yacuntchya


Your fucken dead you are

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Its not nice 2 say such unpleasant + hurtfull things such as “your dead” !

Id refuse 2 stoop 2 the same levels of depravity!, Id not be dragged into the gutter + respond in an ugly fashion!

Id conduct myself in a proper manner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Unfortunalty quite an unexpected situation has arose so its highly likely that this will be my very last post ever !

I doubt anyone will miss me anyways! but its ok coz witches, dragons, animals, mermaids, children, fairy’s, goblins, + kind little creatures which emerge only at night, all like me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think I even befriended a kind unicorn once or twice!!!!! :)



Tell ya what tho, these forums have been a very interesting experience in my lifes journey!

Goodbye everyone, its been fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steven :)


But I will have a glass of wine or 2 + consider my position!

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Don't go Steven!


You have always been one of the more original posters. I never know which way you're going to respond to a post, which is so much better than all the car people and the Bash the Chav Brigade.

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