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Heather Mills Mc Scary


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What about Wood gylphs Steven? what do you know of these folk? I made friends with some one night but then my friend went looking for them and scared them all off, so I was stuck pointing out lizards on the TV because, oh something about the wood gylphs not being real (erm, like they weren't - I will have you know they were very real and my friends too).

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Once again, Steven bursts onto the scene and takes the alternative view of the rational members of a forum. That is his right and can lead to healthy debate.

However, when challenged to defend his views he claims that what he wrote was not what he meant and it is the readers fault for not understanding.

He accepts no responsibility for his inability, to validate his statements, or reason with evidence which contradicts his emotional feelings.

Trying to argue or reason with Steven is like trying to "drown a cork" or "removing smoke from a room by collecting it in a bag".

The guy may be entertaining in a sad sort of way, but he is nothing other than a Clown.

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Once again, Steven bursts onto the scene and takes the alternative view of the rational members of a forum. That is his right and can lead to healthy debate.

However, when challenged to defend his views he claims that what he wrote was not what he meant and it is the readers fault for not understanding.

He accepts no responsibility for his inability, to validate his statements, or reason with evidence which contradicts his emotional feelings.

Trying to argue or reason with Steven is like trying to "drown a cork" or "removing smoke from a room by collecting it in a bag".

The guy may be entertaining in a sad sort of way, but he is nothing other than a Clown.

Why not make it simple just say he's talking shite. After all this debate is about Heather Mills McCartney the second wife of Paul McCartney. She is a former hardcore porn actress, personal prostitute to the Bin Laden Family, one really loudmouth annoying bitch and now has a career as the number one source of all amputee and money grabbing wife jokes on the Internet and all round general loonie. Her hobbies used to include walking around in minefields.


News reports have confirmed that Paul McCartney has now divorced from his wife Heather Mills- McCartney. Mrs Mills- McCartney is said to be distraught over the split. "He has been my crutch for so long"! She said in an earlier briefing, "I have no idea why this has happened, I'm stumped!"


Several charities are expecting donations from her new found wealth including Gucci, Versace, Prada and Yves St Lauren are expecting most of the money, as are other needy groups such as Rolex, Tiffanys, BMW, Harrods, American Express and several 5 star Hotels.


Whereas a miner in Africa had an accident and lost his leg. He said to a friend who came to see him; "I'm f**ked, who's going to want a one legged gold digger?" His friend instantly replied, "try Paul McCartney"


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Mushrooms come out at night.



Hey I worked out how to use the quote thing, how long has that been there? This will save me lots of time. :whistling: Mushrooms? What have they got to do with Heather McScary?.... ahhh the wood gylphs, I see.

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That is his right and can lead to healthy debate.


The guy may be entertaining in a sad sort of way, but he is nothing other than a Clown.


And you are Vader and I claim my £10.


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That is his right and can lead to healthy debate.


The guy may be entertaining in a sad sort of way, but he is nothing other than a Clown.


And you are Vader and I claim my £10.


Sorry Declan, you are wrong this time.

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Mmmm I note squelch that u only have 14 posts 2 your credit? I wonder whch regular member of the forum u are who chooses 2 use this alternative Identity in order 2 post such ridiculeous statments such at the one u,ve just posted !


But considering, that on the Isle of man forums ive been called an "utter bastard" and labbled as "arrogant", " ignorant" , "a ranter + moaner", "racist" , "drunken alcoholic" , "Illiterate" , "pathetic", "a lier" and "an internet troll" ect ect ect, not 2 mention the threats ive had, I feel as tho being labbled a "clown" is just a bit silly!

(I know the word was specifically chosen 2 offend + hurt me in the worst possible manner - but im sorry - it failed!!!)

But Im STILL quite astonished by some of the rudness + meaness that I come accross on the isle of man forums! (I dont witness this phemonina on any other forums eccept of course for those in america!)

Its not very nice !!!!!!!! :(

Of course the vast majority of people on here are really nice ect its just a few bad apples witch ruine the barrell !


But what I post on public forums is self explanitary! I DO NOT blame anyone for not looking beyond the cloudy + seeing that witch is clear! It your chioce!

In fact I go out of my way in order 2 clarify + 2 help others, which is my natural way!

I openly, honestly, + fairly debate anything + everything 2 the very best of my ability!

Ive brought nothing eccept goodness + helpfulness 2 these forums!

I actually think you,d all be very very pleasantlly surprised If u ever found out a certain somthing about me ! + I mean that ! :)


Oh + im not samilar nor aquainted with wood glyphs thebees!


Goodbye everyone! :)

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