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Dolphin Hunting Season Starts In Japan


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There really is no scientific excuse for this - time we started Jap hunting season in Europe.


I found two Jap snipers when I finally got around to cutting the grass at the back of the house this year. I shall now hold them plisoner till they stop all their whaling.

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There really is no scientific excuse for this - time we started Jap hunting season in Europe.


I found two Jap snipers when I finally got around to cutting the grass at the back of the house this year. I shall now hold them plisoner till they stop all their whaling.


Oh look, ever so clever racist joke, fucking hilarious.

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There really is no scientific excuse for this - time we started Jap hunting season in Europe.


I found two Jap snipers when I finally got around to cutting the grass at the back of the house this year. I shall now hold them plisoner till they stop all their whaling.


Oh look, ever so clever racist joke, fucking hilarious.

You wouldn't be saying that if they had done to one of your relatives, what they did to one of mine. Ooooooh! 'political correctness gone mad' makes me seeth.

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I don't know what a "seeth" is, but for information, My grandfather was a CO and as such was deemed an 'enemy of the state during the second capitalist world war. He was shipped, under arrest, to the far east as it was known then, to 'support troops'. He was captured by the indigenous forces (Japanese) and made to work. He was also injected with a chemical of some sort and died shortly afterwards as a result.

This did not make me a racist or use it as an excuse for my ignorance and intolerance to others.

What's your excuse?

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I couldent see the report on the "dolphin slauhter clicky" link put up by bluemonday, i got a load of other news, but i read the link lonan3 put up about the sale + export of dolphins! :(


But apart from the horrible + unessacery trade of these beautifull + kind friends as a lot die in transit ect, im very concered for all the children who are seriously unwell + love interacting with dolphins who may miss out on the healing experience of swimming with the dolphins in there NATURAL habitat if the currant trend continues!!! :(

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I don't know what a "seeth" is, but for information, My grandfather was a CO and as such was deemed an 'enemy of the state during the second capitalist world war. He was shipped, under arrest, to the far east as it was known then, to 'support troops'. He was captured by the indigenous forces (Japanese) and made to work. He was also injected with a chemical of some sort and died shortly afterwards as a result.

This did not make me a racist or use it as an excuse for my ignorance and intolerance to others.

What's your excuse?

Careful, you'll get slitty eyes - or an attack of The Vapours - the way you keep ranting on. You seem to have lost your slence of humour.

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I watched the video where they round them all up and pick the poor bugers out of the water with hooks, i have seen some horrible stuff in my time but that reduced me to tears.


Its just a shame there is fuck all we can do about it, no matter how much pressure the international community put on Japan, they will never budge.

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If these beautifull + kind friends


You honestly wouldn't think that if you were a porpoise or a female dolphin grabbed by a couple of male dolphins on the prowl.


There's loads of evidence of dolphins gratuitously beating to death porpoises. And male dolphins - well they often form a homosexual alliance with another male - the way they swim makes it great for getting locked together and really thrasing about. When they find a female they tend to force her into shallower water and one has his merry way with her while the other stops her escaping and then swap over - the behaviour of the female definitely shows she wants to, and attempts to, escape, but she's usually overpowered. After they've had their merry way with her she's then abandoned.


All of this is absolutely irrelevent to treating them cruelly, and has no relevence to human homosexuality, but dolphins are about the best example going of how stupid anthropomorphization is. "Kind friends" - IMHO no more or less kind than a hyena, a lion, a cow, or a chimp.

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